

Teresa Ford

I am an empty nester, an accidentalpreneur, and a self-proclaimed pattern-breaker turning my own generational childhood trauma patterns into God-inspired healing experiences so as to flip the trajectory of my heritage. If our own children cannot look at our lives as an example of how they can tap into their own inner strengths and knowings, to whom will they turn?

I was raised by emotionally immature (EI) parents. They did the best they could but I still had to figure out motherhood for my own 5 children without an example to draw from or a family I could lean on. [*hands on hips: “I’m NOT going to be like my mother!”] You can guess how THAT was going!


Teresa Ford

I always say you shouldn't hire a coach who hasn't done what you are trying to do.

My story is a sampling of my life's journey from a child unprepared to live an empowered life to discovering my nervous system held the keys to healing generational trauma.

I was raised by emotionally immature parents. And, even though they did the best they could, I still had to dismantle codependency, parentification, anxiety, depression, grief, loss, emotional abandonment, and debilitating people pleasing.

The good news is that it's totally doable to recover from traumatic experiences and become the essence of the love and light that you are!

I can show you how to do it too!

I FELT Happy & Snappy on the INSIDE yet I LOOKED Uninspired & Tired on the OUTSIDE

At 39 years old, my youngest was 3 and the oldest was 13 I decided my inside (happy and snappy) and my outside (uninspired and tired) didn’t match. I was out of integrity.

I had no idea the wheels of change were just beginning to turn, taking me on a journey I could not have predicted. 

Shortly after my physical transformation 6 months later losing 8 dress sizes, I was pushed out of my nest kicking and screaming to enter the workforce when we were down to our last months rent before facing homelessness.

I hadn’t worked outside of the home in over 15 years and had no current employment experience to add to a basically blank resume. Who would even hire me? lWhat employment could I procure that wouldn't be mind and soul numbing in some back office filing papers?

A voice spoke to me as I drove out my driveway with my fake resume in hand. The voice told me to check out the new gym at the end of my street. "Um, NO!" was my first thought. I drove into the gym parking lot even though it was the absolute LAST place an introvert like me wanted to work. I cried for an hour staring at the "HELP WANTED" sign in the window.  My little nervous system was screaming, RUN!

It turns out, I was hired in on the spot...to work in the daycare. But in two weeks, I moved to sales, and within a year, I was working as a trainer and as the Training Dept Manager. It ended up being one of the best things that has ever happened for me. It's funny how life is always working out for us if we let it!

Not only did I discover a whole new world of fun in the fitness space, but in time, I became a hormonal fat loss educator and business owner empowering women to embrace emotional freedom by reducing mental, physical, and spiritual stress. I found my calling!

A Heart to Heart

with God

Fast forward 3 years and over the course of 12 months, my own stress reached an all-time high on just about every level! First, my mother passed away, then my health suddenly plummeted plagued with extreme adrenal fatigue and severe food allergies. I lost my clients and my business. 

The ultimate loss was when my family and I went through a devastating divorce which simultaneously threw me into a faith crisis. I was alone. No friends or family support.

I hadn't realized that I had isolated myself as a form of protection (isolation is a symptom of emotional neglect in childhood). It was a slow climb out of the depression I found myself in where I finally was able to make peace with my aloneness without feeling lonely. There's a difference. Can you hear it?

Eventually I had to process the grief I didn't know I was experiencing. It was a profoundly deep sense of loss over realizing the finality of never having a chance to have a mother-child relationship with my emotional absent mother. I turned to God in my despair. I had a 3 month-long heart-to-heart with God I didn’t know I needed. It was the fulcrum to redirect the rest of my life and my future coaching career.

A Healing Journey

I finally opened myself up to begin a trauma recovery journey as I began to address my childhood wounds that were deeply rooted in my sense of self.

My nervous system was reliving my entire childhood flexing between a state of fight or flight, freeze or fawn without relief.

I didn't have the vocabulary to describe attachment style dysfunction, the low self-worth aftermath of narcissism, or the withholding of love  that was used to control me as a child for why my entire life was dismantling before my very eyes.

Ultimately, I had to:

  • learn to love and respect myself,
  • find my inner voice,
  • take back my personal power,
  • dismantle narcissism and gaslighting,
  • set healthy boundaries,
  • let go of what others thought of me,
  • end “earning” behavior i.e. earning love or approval,
  • strengthen my spiritual and core beliefs,
  • get comfortable reinventing myself after divorce,
  • reparent my inner child,
  • and understand how my autonomic nervous system worked so I could teach my body consciously to feel safe in a newly curated life.

My own mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical healing process is what has propelled me to follow my life calling as a certified mental health and trauma recovery specialist.

Life is too short to be stuck in the round-a-bout repeating patterns of powerlessness, anxiety, depression, self-abandonment and self-doubt. 

It's your job now to commit to building a relationship with yourself so your past trauma patterns can finally fall away concluding their disservice in your future life.

I will take you on that journey. We don't have to "pick at the scabs". A picked-on wound never heals. But, we can tap into your nervous system and keep our coaching light and effective to give you the absolutely confidence to live your life on your terms.

Transformation Level

Your Life will Change Forever!

It doesn't matter where you are on your journey when you realize you would rather be happy than continually picking yourself up out of the depths of despair. This is where your life will change forever!

You have no idea how much you have been tolerating trying to survive until things get better and you feel the profound relief from the stress that once had you heavily involved in coping strategies. 

The greatest gift  you can give to yourself is to discover how satisfying it is to be engaged in your life proactively instead of avoiding the things you feel powerless to change.

Research has come a long way and we now understand that the stress, tension, and emotional trauma from the past is stored much deeper in the nervous system.

The good news is YOU can access your nervous system and get to the root cause of your stress to completely recharge your life.

You will discover how all parts of you (body, mind and spirit) will heal, synchronize, and work together in harmony.

We have a lot to talk about to set you on the path to healing and confidence. Set up a meeting with me and let's talk about creating ease in your life.

Set Up a Meeting

Work with Teresa

#traumandsomatics #emotionalregulation #somatic #confidence #confidencebuilding #meaningfuldialogue #confidentcommunication

1-on-1 Custom

Coaching Program

Transform your life and reverse childhood trauma with my 90-day immersive coaching experience.

We’ll create a safe space for you to heal your inner wounds without reliving painful experiences.

Our focus will be on nervous system regulation, as trauma resides in the body.

We’ll work to rewire the false beliefs that have held you back, guiding you toward a permanent state of mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

With 24-hour access to me, you’ll never feel alone on your journey as you sift and sort your way to mental and emotional wellness.

Book a Discovery Session
#groupconversations #realplay  #deepwork#nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #overwhelmed #exhausted #restless

Life Audit

Are you ready to break free from the constraints of your own perceived limitations?

When you work against yourself, life feels like an uphill battle—lonely, exhausting, and unfulfilling. You push harder, try more, yet still feel disconnected from the life you deeply desire.

But what if there’s another way? Let's take a deep dive into the reasons you have struggled to feel safe, ultimately defaulting to a life of survival. 

You can step into a life of ease, vitality, and true freedom when you take the courageous leap to embrace the beautifully challenging journey to become more fully alive!

Apply Now
#stressrelease #traumarelease #stressrelief #somatichealing #sympatheticnervousystem #rest #relaxation #overstimulated

Keynote Speaker

Presentations & Workshops

As an intuitive speaker, Teresa Ford delivers a captivating experience that resonates with every attendee in the room.

Her vibrant personality creates an atmosphere where participants feel seen and safe, enabling them to explore their own gifts and abilities.

Teresa possesses a remarkable talent for facilitating perspective shifts, turning potentially heavy discussions into conversations that are light-hearted and deeply applicable.

Participants leave equipped with practical, transformational tools that empower them to magnify their unique strengths in the world.

Meet With Teresa

Work with Teresa

#traumandsomatics #emotionalregulation #somatic #confidence #confidencebuilding #meaningfuldialogue #confidentcommunication

1-on-1 Custom

Coaching Program

Transform your life and reverse childhood trauma with my 90-day immersive coaching experience.

We’ll create a safe space for you to heal your inner wounds without reliving painful experiences.

Our focus will be on nervous system regulation, as trauma resides in the body.

We’ll work to rewire the false beliefs that have held you back, guiding you toward a permanent state of mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

With 24-hour access to me, you’ll never feel alone on your journey as you sift and sort your way to mental and emotional wellness.

Book a Discovery Session
#groupconversations #realplay  #deepwork#nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #overwhelmed #exhausted #restless

Life Audit

Are you ready to break free from the constraints of your own perceived limitations?

When you work against yourself, life feels like an uphill battle—lonely, exhausting, and unfulfilling. You push harder, try more, yet still feel disconnected from the life you deeply desire.

But what if there’s another way? Let's take a deep dive into the reasons you have struggled to feel safe, ultimately defaulting to a life of survival. 

You can step into a life of ease, vitality, and true freedom when you take the courageous leap to embrace the beautifully challenging journey to become more fully alive!

Apply Now
#stressrelease #traumarelease #stressrelief #somatichealing #sympatheticnervousystem #rest #relaxation #overstimulated

Keynote Speaker

Presentations & Workshops

As an intuitive speaker, Teresa Ford delivers a captivating experience that resonates with every attendee in the room.

Her vibrant personality creates an atmosphere where participants feel seen and safe, enabling them to explore their own gifts and abilities.

Teresa possesses a remarkable talent for facilitating perspective shifts, turning potentially heavy discussions into conversations that are light-hearted and deeply applicable.

Participants leave equipped with practical, transformational tools that empower them to magnify their unique strengths in the world.

Meet With Teresa
#stressrelease #traumarelease #stressrelief #somatichealing #sympatheticnervousystem #rest #relaxation #overstimulated

Working with Teresa helped me so much. When I started working with her, I was in a functional depression. She gave me tools and helped me start feeling so much better. I felt like I was waking up after a long, dark nap. I feel joy and hope moving forward. I highly recommend working with Teresa!

 - Ashley

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