By Teresa Ford
May 24, 2024
The Power of three is everywhere in our lives. It starts with God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost. Also, Christ rose on the 3rd day. Why 3? The number 3 biblically represents divine wholeness, completeness, and perfection.
We spend most of our lives trying to connect the Body, Mind, and Spirit to feel whole. Our personal patterns of becoming the highest versions of ourselves involve Growth, Expansion, and the Journey that eventually becomes the story and legacy we leave behind.
It is also the number indicating time – past, present, future, birth, life, and death.
If you look at the patterns of 3 in your life, you may discover the lessons you were being called to learn so you could live more fully in Harmony, Wisdom, and Understanding. You might enjoy a little life review session looking for patterns in 3s that either held a disintegrating pattern for you or an enlightened pattern that helped you up out of dark places.