I want to talk a little bit about a Q&A from God. I don't mean my Q&A; I mean yours.
Have you asked God lately for something? Are you getting the answers?
If you have a question, there's an answer. If you don't have a question, there will be no answer.
I want to discuss what you are deliberately doing to get the answer to form a good question.
Here's the antithesis of getting an answer: Worry.
Worry does not help you get answers.
Are you a worrier?
I was raised by a worrier, and I always wondered what in the heck she was worrying about because, often, worry is just about what hasn't happened yet.
Worry is very much out in the future.
It's your brain conjuring up a problem before it actually becomes a problem.
Now, we can predict that some things are okay. But worrying about them is different from changing the experience.
If you want a different experience, you've got to do something other than what you usually do.
Part of this, first of all, is that they say faith without works is dead, right?
If you have faith, you're going to ask a question.
You're going to ask a question of somebody who has more power than you.
Whatever you call your higher power, I call mine God. Tap into yourself.
What is the problem, and what do you want? What outcome do you hope to have?
The outcome is never about other people. It is about how you want to feel.
I'm trying to think of an example.
My mother used to worry about finances all the time. She came from the Depression era.
We barely got a sniff of tuna on her sandwiches because she always acted as if there'd never be another can be opened in the rest of our lives. Their financial success had highs and lows.
There were times she was more worried than others,
but worrying about being out on the street or not having enough to eat before it happened wasn't helping.
If you have financial worries, relationship worries, career worries, or personal doubts, it's time to ask better questions.
Do you have a method for receiving answers? I do. It's taken a long time to develop it. I used to do it naturally. Then, I became very aware.
When you become aware, sometimes you start your head gets in the game, and it gets all busy and blocks your natural abilities.
When you get curious, there will be a question.
One of the things I'm often curious about is how much I'm being guided, how much I'm trying to make things happen on my own, and how much I'm allowing my questions to be answered.
When I'm asking a question, I will phrase it in one of two different ways.
When I ask a question of God, I will ask in a this is what I want, and this is what I expect kind of way. Or I'll ask, what do you think I should do kind of way?
Please send the creative spirit guide to be with me while I'm in creative mode, writing or creating art.
I will also ask to have my spirit guide who is over.
Intuition is with me that I will be receiving impulses all day.
The impulse is like, Ooh, I should go do this. Ooh, I should go do that.
What's funny is when you get an impulse, it's like, Oh, is that my busy brain procrastinating the thing? I'm not sure I know what to do yet.
Procrastination is one of those knee-jerk reactions.
Hmm, I wonder what's in the fridge.
But sometimes, when I am in the fridge, I get an idea of creating something else, pushing me to sit somewhere. I then look at my phone.
When I look at my phone, I see what I am looking for, and the answer comes.
You need to know what procrastination is and what is being guided.
When I ask for something, my spirit guides me to be with it, and then I think a thought. I have to connect the two.
I just asked, and then I thought a thought.
Before I got onto this microphone, I was nearly in prayer and asked for creative impulses, ideas, and sparks of inspiration.
I thought of doing a Q&A on God, where we ask God a question and receive an answer.
Immediately, I got off my knees before the idea faded, but I asked and received it immediately.
You have to connect the two I requested, and an idea comes up.
If you're like, oh, I had a good idea; I'll do it later, right after you ask, you probably forgot the inspiration and didn't follow through with it. You probably took credit for it.
You're like, well,
I asked God, but nothing happened.
I did a blog that was exactly what someone needed to hear the day I recorded it.
There are a couple of things here. I have no notes in front of me. This was just right off the cuff.
It is a bit convoluted and not specifically in order, but I'm sharing what's coming to me as it comes to me: when you ask, you must be ready to receive.
You must connect the two you requested; receiving them happens almost within a nanosecond.
Often, the big thing is that I want a big check to come into my bank account.
Well, that's a totally different process. That is a process of manifestation.
The Q and A you have with God is asking for something that you want. It's not; it doesn't necessarily have to come, or, I mean, it can.
I manifested the perfect little house on a tree-lined street in a neighborhood where everyone was friendly.
I manifested stuff before I knew what the word manifesting even meant.
Asking and receiving on a daily basis is in the micro, the micro-living.
When you're living on the micro level of asking and receiving, it happens in less than a nanosecond because there is no time in heaven or the spirit world.
Here on earth, we're relegated to time and seconds, minutes and hours, days and months and years. It's right in there with the law of gravity, right?
We have to keep our feet on the ground and won't float away unless we choose to get a hot air balloon.
Because we abide by specific laws on the earth, we tend to think that, oh, I asked, but I don't know when I'm going to hear it back.
That's not how it actually works.
If you listen, you'll get a good feeling or idea.
Those are the two ways that your prayers and your questions are answered immediately.
But you've got to be listening. You've got to connect the two.
The thought I just had is precisely like that: I would not have had that thought if I hadn't asked that question.
Sometimes, our heart is asking the question, and our brain hasn't really received the words yet to ask the question out loud, but our heart is just asking for help.
I have a friend who was well yesterday. Last night, he had a stroke.
Today, they're in the ICU—a very big shift in normal routines.
But today, her heart is asking questions.
What do I do? What does he need? What do I need? Who do I need to call? What preparations do I need to make? What are the outcomes? What's the prognosis?
Where can we expect him to get better? Is there brain activity? Her heart is going faster than her brain can process. What's happening right now?
Her heart is receiving answers, getting some comfort, and receiving impulses to call the first person who just happened to come to mind.
It's not just happened, right? We call it just happened, but it's an answer to her asking.
When you're deliberately doing a Q&A, your brain is helping form those questions.
When you're not deliberately doing a Q&A, which is what we do more often than not in our subconscious, our spirit is asking for answers are coming.
They may not come in an emergency fast enough for our brains because our brains are like oh, I don't know what to do, don't know what to do, don't know what to do.
But our heart is not saying don't know what to do, don't know what to do, don't know what to do, our heart is saying my daughter.
Oh, I'm going to call my friend. Oh, the heart is telling you what to do, even though your brain is kind of scrambled.
When you're doing Q and A's, listen, just for a nanosecond.
Those of us with ADHD, this works very well because we only have a nanosecond before the next impulse comes.
Just listen because it's not a coincidence that you thought right after you asked.
It's a coinciding thought. It coincides with the question you asked.
You are receiving answers all day long.
You just may not be connecting the two with the question you asked in your heart or the question you asked from your mind and the answer you received.
One impulse can lead to another.
Here's another example.
Yesterday, my really awesome little schoozer. What are those things called? It's a tiny blender for mixing hot chocolate, foaming your latte, or whatever.
I used it to mix my protein in my vanilla tea, and it died. It needed the charger. I was like, where is the charger?
I thought I kept it right there in the kitchen drawer where I kept my minor seizure, and I couldn't find it. I looked in every drawer and cupboard and was a little frustrated.
Then I got an impulse. I wanted to listen to Christmas music. Ooh, I need to go find my boom speaker. I found my boom speaker, which also had a dead battery.
I went to the drawer in our bedroom where we kept the charger for the boom.
What did I find? I found the charger for my
It was an impulse to do something different. I just didn't get frustrated about it.
I was asking in my heart, where is that? Where is that? Where would I have put that?
If I was a charger, where would I be? I couldn't think of it with my brain, but my spirit received an impulse. Listen to Christmas music.
Then I had to take the steps that would lead me to Christmas music, and it turned out that I got a twofer.
I found the charger for the boom and I found the charger for my
When you ask, you will receive. That is the promise.
Ask, and ye shall receive. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.
But the question is, are you the one turning the doorknob? Are you turning the doorknob and then pulling? Pushing?
Are you doing something to see if the door opens? Are you recognizing that your asking and your receiving are coinciding?
You're asking, and your answers are coming. That it's not you that's thinking up the thought, Oh, never mind. I got it.
I asked God, but I had the answer. It came to my mind. That wasn't you.
That was actually an answer. That was the receiving you were doing for the question you asked.
There are a couple of things that we've talked about today.
Worry, it's not how you find answers.
Curiosity is contemplations, which means thinking about the problem.
Think about how you want an answer.
Worrying about it is counterproductive.
Asking for exactly what you want. I want to feel better. I'm having an anxiety attack.
There, my brain and my spirit are having an argument. So, I'm in total disagreement, and the emotion is anxiety.
I want to feel better. Deep breath, relax. I want to feel better.
Just think about that for a second. Do you feel better?
Even asking, I want to feel better because you're not trying to figure it out yourself.
If you ask somebody else, I want to feel better. There is actually peace in that.
The anxiety comes down just a little bit.
The worry goes away just a little bit, just asking.
Then tell yourself, okay, if I ask, I will receive unless I'm against receiving.
This will be hard for you if you're opposed to receiving it.
If you're open to receiving, ask and wait for a nanosecond.
The very first thing that comes to mind, the first answer that comes up, the first, maybe it's a warm feeling.
It could be a feeling that it's going to be okay. That's sort of what your brain translates to.
Your brain's like, yeah, it's going to be OK. It's an agreement with the warm feeling. That's an answer.
I'm actually putting a course together right now called Help Thou My Unbelief.
It's about trusting that you're getting answers, about building faith that you are in the receiving mode.
You can ask and receive in a nanosecond.
It only takes some day or next week. It takes a good feeling right now.
Whatever comes up in your mind, that's the answer. It may not be like, Oh, you need to apply to this company to get that job, to get an increase in your money.
You could pay off those bills.
It may not come all together, lumped together like that. It might, but normally, just on a day-to-day basis, it's a feeling that it's going to be okay.
Trust the process. The answer is coming. I'm making a way for you now.
That's one of those things that if you think about it, God, the universe, all of it, all the elements working together are out in front of you, paving the way to whatever you think about.
Now, I'm getting into the manifestation process, but prayer, asking, receiving, and manifestation can all be put in one category—because they are all energy.
What kind of energy are you putting out?
If your thoughts are in doubt and they're not about receiving, if I ask, I doubt I'm going to hear.
Doubt is just a misperception that you're not receiving or that you've asked before, and nothing has happened.
Something did happen, but whether you are open to receiving or not is the determining factor in getting answers.
Have you ever been to a Q and A in a group online or in a chat where someone asks a question and they don't expect an answer? They expect crickets. No, never.
Why should you expect crickets if you're going to ask a question of God?
The all-knowing. He knows your question before you even ask it. He knows your heart. He knows what's hurting. He knows what you want. He knows your desires. He knows every hair on your head.
If he knows all that before you even ask the question, why would you ever doubt that you could receive an answer? Doubt is the antithesis of believing.
If you don't believe you'll get an answer, it will be a real struggle.
Believing you're worthy of answers.
If you're worthy of the question, you deserve the answer.
If a question comes, expect an answer because if you didn't have that question, the answer wouldn't be for you.
You would never think of the question in the first place.
If you have a question, it's because the answer is for you. It's part of your life path. It's part of your purpose.
Learning to ask and receive is always part of our purpose. But it's the questions we ask.
We don't get to ask questions about other people's changes. That's not within our stewardship.
We can only ask questions that improve us and help us take personal responsibility for our emotional and mental well-being, contribution, and growth.
When you ask, expect an answer. Otherwise, you wouldn't be asking. It wouldn't be a question.
But if you don't ask the question, there will be no answer. You're not asking.
There's no receiving to be had.
Asking and receiving are like breathing in and out.
You've got to ask and receive; they go hand in hand.
You're not always going to inhale for the rest of your life.
Asking, asking, asking.
You've got to exhale at some point and find relief in the answers. That's what answers do for us.
One more quick story. I received an answer once when I was praying about what to do when my father was going in for colon surgery.
He had a tumor the size of a grapefruit. I was concerned about what I should do because I had a young family that I left at home and a nursing baby.
I could be by my father's side during this challenging time, and it had been a week.
As I was praying, the answer came, it's going to be okay. I was like, okay. It was a nanosecond.
The answer was quick. It's going to be OK.
I told my dad it was going to be okay. You're going to be great. This is going to be the best thing for you. Do the surgery, come out.
You'll be recovering. You'll have nurses to help you.
I have to get back to my family. I love you. I'm getting on the next plane home.
When I got home, he called. He said the surgery went great. I'm already up and walking.
Everything, no colostomy bag, nothing. No chemo, no radiation, nothing is needed.
They got the tumor out. I was like, oh my gosh. Answered to a prayer. That's amazing. I'm so grateful.
The next day, he passed away. You can imagine, I was like, what just happened?
I asked again why you told me it would be okay. I was mad—really mad. Hot tears were rolling down my cheeks.
Why did you say it would be okay if it weren't?
The answer was in a nanosecond; the thing that came to mind that was hard to hear was because it was my timing. Right!
I forgot. I'm not in charge. I don't get to control everything. I have to know that it will still be okay because it's okay with God.
If it's OK with God, I need to make it my okay too. I need to be in sync with God's will, and it will be OK. It was his time to go.
I did receive confirmation at his funeral when I was speaking at his funeral that he said he was so happy. That was just another confirmation. That's not a typical confirmation.
It happened once, and I wasn't even asking for it.
That was unique, but it corroborates my answer that it will be okay because he was; he was so OK, and it was OK with God.
In a nanosecond, you will get the answer if you're listening.
It's the first thought that comes up. It's a thought that comes up from inside. It's a thought that your brain has to translate into an understanding.
It's the warm feeling that makes your brain go, ah, it's the exhale.
It's the relaxation of things that are going to be all right.
Take a deep breath, let it out, breathe in, breathe out, ask and receive, make it natural.
Sink into the knowingness that you are receiving answers all the time.
It's coming to you without effort. Just be peaceful.
Be willing to hear the thought that comes up next.
If it's a fear thought, it wasn't from God. Let's just be clear about that.
If it picked you up, gave you relief, or made you feel warm, it's from God.
If it's your fear brain spreading doubt, lighting things on fire, it's not from God.
That's how you can tell if it's from God; it feels good.
G O D G O D. Very closely related. Good and God are the same.
If it feels good from God.
If it doesn't feel good, try again.
Ask until you hear the good.
Note: You can access the full blog content in audio versions on Spotify and YouTube. Happy listening! 🎧
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