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Teresa Ford • May 10, 2024

Blog Post #7

Manifesting 101: You're already doing it!

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You Are a Magnificent Manifester

Are you ready for this? It’s going to blow your mind—because you are already manifesting all the time!

Congratulations! You are a magnificent manifester. You might not even realize how powerful you are, but trust me, you’re creating your reality every single day. Whether you love your current circumstances or feel stuck, everything in your life is a result of your thoughts, emotions, and energy.

Even if your bank account is empty or your love life isn’t where you want it to be, you manifested that. For better or for worse, we are always manifesting. The question is: Are you consciously manifesting what you want, or are you unconsciously manifesting what you don’t?

Let’s break this down so you can start using your manifesting power to your advantage.

Manifesting Is Simply Aligning with What You Want

Manifesting isn’t hard. It’s actually quite simple. It’s not about magic wands or hoping something appears out of thin air. It’s about alignment—lining up your thoughts, emotions, and actions with what you truly desire.

Let me give you a simple example of how you already know how to manifest:

The Grocery Store Analogy

Imagine it’s Friday morning, and you’re running low on groceries. You open the fridge, realize you need food, and decide to go to the grocery store.

  • You made a clear decision: I need groceries.
  • You aligned your actions with that decision: You grabbed your keys, got in the car, and drove to the store.
  • You took the necessary steps: You parked, went inside, picked out what you needed, checked out, and brought the groceries home.

TA-DA! You manifested groceries! 🎉

At no point did you stand in your living room wringing your hands, wondering how groceries would show up in your kitchen. You didn’t sit on the couch thinking, Maybe they’ll appear on my doorstep… No! You aligned with the goal and took action to receive what you asked for.

Manifesting anything works the exact same way. When you ask for something, the answer is always yes. The only thing standing between you and your goal is your alignment.

The Power of Alignment

Alignment means getting your thoughts, emotions, and actions in sync with your desire.

  • If you are excited, hopeful, and expectant, you are in alignment.
  • If you are doubtful, worried, or frustrated, you are out of alignment.

It’s that simple. The universe responds to your energy. If you believe something is possible, you naturally take inspired action to make it happen. But if you focus on not having it, you create resistance and block your manifestation.

Real-Life Manifesting: How I Manifested My Dream Home 🏡

Years ago, my family had one weekend to find a house before moving to a new city. I got super clear about what I wanted:

  • A cozy cottage 🏡
  • Hardwood floors 🌿
  • A big tree swing in the backyard 🌳
  • A neighborhood where my kids could safely play 👧👦
  • Walking distance to school and church ⛪

I didn’t just hope—I expected it to exist. I aligned my energy with the vision. But by Saturday night, after looking at homes that didn’t fit, I was discouraged.

Then I realized: I was blocking my manifestation with doubt.

So I let go of resistance. The next morning, I opened the newspaper and saw a newly listed open house—on Pine Street! We drove over, and the moment we arrived, I knew it was the one. It had everything I had envisioned, down to the yellow walls and the alleyway in the back!

We made an offer on the spot, and it was accepted immediately. That’s the power of alignment!

How to Manifest Anything You Want

1. Get Clear on Your Desire

Write down what you really want. Be specific. The more clarity you have, the easier it is to align with it.

2. Check Your Energy

How do you feel about your goal? If you feel doubt, shift your focus to excitement. Remember, alignment is all about feeling good about your desire.

3. Take Inspired Action

Manifesting isn’t just thinking—it’s doing. Take the next logical step toward your goal, just like going to the grocery store for food.

4. Let Go of Resistance

Stop overthinking. Stop doubting. Stop standing in your metaphorical living room worrying about how it will happen. Just trust and move.

5. Trust the Process

Everything you’ve ever manifested—both good and bad—came because you aligned with it. So align with the good stuff on purpose!

The Key to Effortless Manifestation

Here’s the secret: Manifesting is about energy, not effort.

  • When you feel good about something, you naturally attract it. ✨
  • When you stress about something, you push it away. ❌

The universe isn’t keeping anything from you. You are.

Your only job? Align with the life you want and expect it to show up.

Ready for More? Manifesting 102 is Coming Next!

In my next blog, I’ll share how I manifested my dream relationship—down to the exact qualities I desired in my husband.

Until then, start paying attention to how you’re already manifesting every day. What are you focusing on? Are you in alignment?

Because when you get excited about something, it has to come to you. That’s the law. 😉

You are a powerful creator. Now go manifest something amazing! 

Note: You can access the full blog content in audio versions on  Spotify and  YouTube. Happy listening! 🎧 




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