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Teresa Ford • May 8, 2024

Blog Post #1

HI! A little about me your coach,

Teresa Ford

#groupconversations #realplay  #deepwork#nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #overwhelmed #exhausted #restless


My name is Teresa Ford, and I grew up in Northwest Washington, just an hour north of Seattle. I was born into a blended family with siblings from my parents’ previous marriages, plus two brothers I grew up with at home. Yep, I was the middle child, and if you know anything about birth order, that explains a lot!

Like many, I was raised by emotionally immature parents. That’s not a criticism; it’s just the reality. They did their best, but they weren’t equipped with the tools to provide emotional support. They always kept a roof over our heads and gave us what they could, but emotional neglect left a lasting impact. It wasn’t until much later that I realized I had to heal from that and learn how to build a life based on self-worth, love, and personal growth.

Fast-forward to adulthood: the only career I ever dreamed of was being a mother. And that’s exactly what I did. My husband and I had five amazing children in just ten years! It was a whirlwind of diapers, late nights, and all the joys and challenges of parenting. By the time my fourth child arrived, something clicked—I realized I didn’t want to be like my mother in terms of parenting. I wanted to find a better way.

I had to learn how to raise my children with love, patience, and intention rather than frustration and yelling. That was my first big wake-up call—the moment I began my personal growth journey. I started asking myself bigger questions: Who am I in God’s eyes? What is my purpose? How can I be the best version of myself? That shift changed everything.

The Unexpected Journey to Entrepreneurship

A few years later, life threw a major curveball. The economy crashed, my husband lost his job, and after two years of living off our savings, we hit rock bottom. I was angry—at God, at life, at the whole situation. But looking back, I see it as one of the best things that ever happened to me.

I was forced out of my comfort zone and had to find a job. Not a career—just a job to help support our family. I had been homeschooling my kids and dedicating my life to them, so the idea of working outside the home felt overwhelming. But God had other plans.

At first, I left the house kicking and screaming, but what I discovered was a version of myself I didn’t know existed. I had gifts and talents that had been hidden beneath my identity as a mom. I realized I had a natural ability to connect with people, inspire them, and help them believe in their limitless possibilities. That’s when I knew: this is what I’m meant to do.

I wrote a personal mission statement that still guides me today:

“I am pure positive energy, born to share my optimism for limitless possibilities and lay hold upon every good thing because I have always known something good was coming.”

Even during my darkest moments, I always believed that better days were ahead. And every time I hit rock bottom, I found that it was the best thing that could have happened to me because it propelled me forward in a way I never expected.

From Fitness to Coaching

My career path led me through the fitness industry for 16 years. I became a hormonal fat loss expert and helped countless clients achieve their health goals. But over time, I realized my true passion wasn’t just fitness—it was mindset transformation.

People came to me thinking they needed a new workout plan, but what they really needed was a new belief system. Their limiting beliefs—often formed in childhood—were holding them back. I knew firsthand how those patterns could shape a person’s life, and I became passionate about helping others rewrite their stories and step into their power.

That’s how I became what I call an “accidentalpreneur.” I never set out to be a business owner, coach, or speaker, but God led me here, and I wouldn’t change a thing. Every challenge, every breakdown, and every rock-bottom moment shaped me into the person I am today.

Why This Blog Exists

Originally, this blog was called Know Your Worth because that was one of the biggest lessons I had to learn. I had spent so much of my life looking for validation from others, trying to prove my worth through effort, achievements, and external approval. But real self-worth doesn’t come from the outside—it comes from within.

That’s why this blog exists—to help you uncover your true worth, break free from limiting beliefs, and embrace the life you were meant to live. You have everything you need inside you right now. You don’t need permission to be your authentic self. You don’t need validation from anyone. You just need to reconnect with your inner guidance and trust that God has already given you everything you need to succeed.

What You Can Expect from This Blog

This is not just another personal development blog. Here’s what you can expect:

✨ Real-life stories – I’ll share the lessons I’ve learned the hard way so you don’t have to.

✨ Mindset shifts – Learn how to break free from old patterns and step into your power.

✨ Practical tools – Strategies you can apply today to start seeing real transformation.

✨ Inspiration & encouragement – Because let’s face it, we all need a cheerleader in our corner!

I’m not here to tell you what to do—I’m here to help you find your own answers. I want you to tune into your intuition, strengthen your relationship with God, and become the person you were meant to be.

Let’s Connect!

I want this to be a two-way conversation. If you have questions, insights, or topics you want me to cover, reach out! You can email me at

From this point forward, I hope we’re friends. You’re here for a reason, and I’m so grateful that you’ve chosen to spend this time with me.

Note: You can access the full blog content in audio versions on   Spotify and   YouTube.  Happy listening! 🎧 




#traumahealingjourney #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussysemhealing #nervoussystemhealth #traumainformed #emotion #overwhelmed #exhausted #restless #stressrelease #traumarelease #stressrelief #somatichealing

#somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #nervoussystemhealth
By Teresa Ford September 3, 2024
You are creative at the heart of who you are. You would rather be in charge of creating your life and deciding the who, what, and when of your daily schedule. When you discover your true self, you won’t be able to plow through every day like a drone, exhausting yourself with people pleasing or trying to meet unrealistic expectations in hopes of being valued and appreciated. Your inner genius is your spirit. She is love and light. She has so much to say, share, and experience. It would be a crying shame to keep her stuffed away, never to contribute her gifts and talents to the world, wouldn’t it? Your inner genius is very wise and wholly intelligent. If you take time every day to ask her questions to which you seek answers, she might surprise you with the creative ways she nudges you to be the unrestrained genius you have wanted to give you the answers to the test.
#anxiety #anxietytips #depression #depressionsolutions #cortisol #hormonehealth #hormonehealing
By Teresa Ford September 3, 2024
If you listen to your body, which is talking to you all the time, you will have a much better handle on your real needs and what are just coping strategies. You may feel like there is a void you can’t fill. Stop, breathe in three sharp breaths, hold for three seconds, and exhale slowly—repeat three times. When you tune in to your actual needs to get more sleep, start a project you’ve been putting off, or engage in a creative outlet and take action, you will avoid the frustration that comes with the myriad of ways we can find to procrastinate and become out of alignment with our true selves. With practice, it will become clear how to end cycles of procrastination that breed self-doubt and allow yourself to feel fulfilled, attuned, and complete.
#somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #nervoussystemhealth
By Teresa Ford September 3, 2024
A balanced and regulated nervous system supports not only your inner child, who needs you to stay with her when she feels insecure and afraid of the “situation” you might be going through, but it will exponentially change your outer world as you walk with confidence and assurance that who you are, as you are is the only person you can be. The real you is when you are simultaneously connected to your soul, your inner child, your intuitive guidance, and your body. Not a single part of you is being denied, ignored, or abandoned. Your body holds all of the past memories, good or bad, through the conditioning of the nervous system, and it just so happens that your spirit also lives in your body.
#anxiety #anxietytips #depression #depressionsolutions 
#traumaandsomatics #emotionalregulation
By Teresa Ford August 26, 2024
Are you feeling drained and stuck in a rut? Discover how a powerful morning practice can ignite creativity and sharpen intuition. Imagine starting your day with frequency music that resets your nervous system and fuels your resilience. Dive into visualization and intention setting to unlock personal growth and self-discovery. Elevate your high-frequency energy to spark inspiration and enhance your emotional well-being. Through mindfulness and automatic writing, you'll tap into profound insights. Embrace servant leadership and adaptability to transform your energy and conquer exhaustion. Tune into our latest podcast episode to learn how to flow seamlessly with life and turn your daily struggles into a vibrant, balanced existence.
#traumaandsomatics #emotionalregulation #somatic #confidence #confidencebuilding #meaningfuldialogue
By Teresa Ford August 26, 2024
Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a never-ending cycle of exhaustion despite your best efforts? It's time to tap into your expansive spirit and elevate your energetic frequency to break free. By addressing the impact of trauma on your nervous system, you can foster profound personal growth and embrace change. Start by reverse engineering your aspirations, conquering doubt, and resetting your nervous system through nurturing your inner child. Invite divine abundance into your life and find humor in the process. This approach will not only lift your mind to a higher state of being but also help you go with the flow of life and find much-needed relief from exhaustion.
#stressrelease #traumarelease #stressrelief #somatichealing #sympatheticnervousystem #rest #trauma
By Teresa Ford August 26, 2024
Your job has never been to do hard things. Your job is to find the way to doing challenging things more easily. Another way to say that is to let go of the resistance you added to the experience and let yourself find the more simple path. Imagine this: You're on a rowing boat, facing upstream, fighting against the current, thinking, “If I just paddle harder, I’ll get somewhere!” But there’s one caviat; all rivers flow downstream. Upstream padding is not what is needed most. Setting the paddle down and letting the current take you is easier. But, if it was that easy, everyone would be doing it. Haha
#stressrelease #traumarelease #stressrelief #somatichealing #somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystem
By Teresa Ford August 17, 2024
Your nervous system plays a crucial role in your overall well-being, and finding ways to calm it is essential for maintaining inner peace. Whether you’re dealing with daily stress or on a journey of healing trauma, it’s important to find practices that help you relax and reset. Discover how to calm your nervous system and make peace with gentle techniques for releasing tension and negativity. By taking time to calm your nervous system and release all stress, you create space for healing and renewal. Learn to let go of the past and embrace the present moment by learning how to calm your nervous system and release negativity. This process not only supports emotional balance but also helps you reset your nervous system and release stress, fostering a deeper sense of well-being. Allow yourself to experience the peace of a calm and balanced nervous system and take steps towards profound healing and tranquility.
#somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussysemhealing #nervoussystemhealth #trauma
By Teresa Ford June 5, 2024
In this transformative podcast, Teresa dives deep into understanding the inner workings of your nervous system, helping you heal from past trauma, and empowering you to live a life of emotional freedom and fulfillment. Get ready to reconnect with your inner self, nurture your emotional needs, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Tune in and let Teresa be your compassionate guide on the path to wholeness and empowerment.
#somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussysemhealing #nervoussystemhealth #trauma
By Teresa Ford May 24, 2024
We seek Emotional Freedom, but unless we are able/willing to give up emotional chaos, it will illude us, and we may never feel at peace and harmonic with the flow of life. This makes life hard. In this episode, Teresa Ford helps you identify the habits that must be abandoned in place of the thought patterns that can shift you from a state of negative emotion, such as anger, betrayal, disappointment, irritation, sadness, and grief, into a state of peace of ease. If you pick up a nugget of insight or two, please be sure to share them in the comments.
#somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussysemhealing #nervoussystemhealth #trauma
By Teresa Ford May 24, 2024
The Power of three is everywhere in our lives. It starts with God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost. Also, Christ rose on the 3rd day. Why 3? The number 3 biblically represents divine wholeness, completeness, and perfection. We spend most of our lives trying to connect the Body, Mind, and Spirit to feel whole. Our personal patterns of becoming the highest versions of ourselves involve Growth, Expansion, and the Journey that eventually becomes the story and legacy we leave behind. It is also the number indicating time – past, present, future, birth, life, and death. If you look at the patterns of 3 in your life, you may discover the lessons you were being called to learn so you could live more fully in Harmony, Wisdom, and Understanding. You might enjoy a little life review session looking for patterns in 3s that either held a disintegrating pattern for you or an enlightened pattern that helped you up out of dark places.
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