Blog Post #2
Welcome, friends! Today, we're diving into a topic that many of us struggle with: overwhelm. It’s a great place to start because, let’s be honest, who hasn’t felt completely bogged down by the sheer weight of responsibilities, expectations, and life itself?
This blog, Learning to Walk Before You Can Run, is all about understanding that success doesn’t come all at once. It comes in layers, built one small step at a time. We want to feel accomplished, but we often expect ourselves to know exactly how to do something before we’ve even taken the first step. It’s like expecting to understand sixth-grade math when we’re just entering kindergarten. Unrealistic expectations set us up for failure before we even begin.
I was visiting my grandkids in Idaho, and their room was a complete disaster. Naturally, they were overwhelmed when they were asked to clean it up. They picked up one item and then stood there, paralyzed by the mess. Sound familiar?
I decided to turn it into a game: I Spy. I would call out an item, and they would hunt for it. I spied a red shoe—one found it, and the other found the matching one. Then I said, I spy all the little green Legos.
This process turned a frustrating, overwhelming task into something fun. Before they knew it, their room was spotless, and they were excited about what to do next. That’s the key—breaking things down into manageable steps.
Overwhelm doesn’t just hit kids. As adults, we experience the same thing. Think about the moment you became a parent. Suddenly, you were responsible for a tiny human being. No one handed you a manual. You figured it out as you went. And that’s exactly how life works—we learn by doing, not by knowing everything ahead of time.
Let’s take a lesson from babies. They aren’t worried about learning to walk, yet they go through a process:
Each step is necessary. Each failure, each fall, is a learning experience. And never once does a baby compare itself to another baby who started walking earlier. They simply focus on their own journey.
So why do we, as adults, constantly compare ourselves and feel like we should be further along than we are?
3. Take Baby Steps
Stop thinking about
everything at once. If you’re facing a big task, ask yourself:
4. Just like babies don’t go from rolling over to running overnight, neither do we. Give yourself grace and allow for a natural progression.
5. Put ControlZilla Down for a Nap
ControlZilla is that voice in your head telling you:
6. She’s not helping. When you feel overwhelmed, pause and remind yourself:
Remember, you’ve already overcome so much. Anything that used to be a problem is no longer a problem because you figured it out. Whatever is causing you stress right now? You’ll figure that out, too.
So take a deep breath. Take a break. Grab a snack. Give yourself grace.
Baby steps will get you there. And before you know it, you’ll be running.
Note: You can access the full blog content in audio versions on Spotify and YouTube. Happy listening! 🎧
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