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Teresa Ford • May 16, 2024

Blog Post #40

Developing Your Spiritual Gifts

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I am excited to be here for this blog with you because I want to discuss something that never gets talked about: your ability to develop your spiritual gifts. 

You have so many gifts. 

Some of them have been developed, but you need to be made aware of some of them. 

If you are unaware of them, it's probably safe to say that those are the areas of your life that you are struggling with. 

When you develop your spiritual gifts, you become the leader—the person who leads your life. 

When you leave it to your brain to lead your life, good old ControlZilla, you're just trying to think your way through life. 

If there's life in the future, which there is. 

Life in the future has never been lived before. 

You don't have a handbook for it. 

Your inner guidance system, your infinite intelligence. 

When it's vibrating high, that's the person who can guide you, lead you, walk into the future, leave the struggle behind, and lessen the struggle. 

It's like peace, satisfaction, love, and all the good stuff coming from your intellect, your intelligent being, your spiritual intellect. 

I have shared this story once in a while, and I wasn't going to talk about it, but that's what's coming up. 

I had an out-of-body experience while I was asleep. 

Some people have called it a dream, but I know what I experienced. 

Dreams can be weird, and they do not always make sense when we try to explain them when we wake up. 

My dream was not like that. Every last detail was crystal clear, and I knew I was standing before an infinite being. I was not in my body. 

They were not in a body. Yet the countenance of this person, once he came to this world, looks the same now as he did in the spirit form. 

But there were no eyes. There was no mouth, there was no mouth. We weren't speaking to each other with words. 

It takes all the time to think up a word or a sentence, think up an idea, translate it into words, and speak it out loud. That is a worldly thing. That takes time. 

Time is on this earth, not in heaven. 

There is no such thing as time in heaven. 

You can travel at the speed of thought and interact with another being at the speed of thought. 

It's literally an instantaneous transfer of ideas, and there's no time. It doesn't take much time. 

Our communication was seamless as I was in front of this infinite intelligence. He told me what I needed to know, and I absorbed it.

I didn't really have anything to say. 

I was spending more time thinking, oh, I should kneel down in front of this infinite being that is so glorious and so magnificent. 

But I realized I didn't have needs. 

If you don't have knees, you don't kneel down. 

I just stood there and focused on this being, and that's when he delivered, just through our infinite intelligence, telling me what  I needed to know about him. It turns out it was my son and me. I was not pregnant with him yet.

At the time, but three months later, I became pregnant with them, and it was during a time when I was contemplating whether I should have another child or not, and lo and behold, there was the answer.

In this experience, I learned what being in that higher vibration is. 

However, it's unrealistic to say you could obtain that in this life. 

But I do believe that it gave me a barometer to say if I feel yucky if I'm not feeling good, if I feel sad, grief, or loss. 

Frustration, anger, rage—if I'm feeling anything on that negative scale, I am not operating according to my spiritual gifts. 

I am vibrating down here on a much lower level. 

In this life, it is our job to go from that negative vibration to a higher vibration. 

That's when you know you're operating from a place that is your true self. That's what you're here to do. 

When you are able to transcend your vibration, you're really struggling, and you want your frequency to raise because you're tired of feeling everything's hard. 

I feel stressed, worried, and concerned. 

My focus is on what hasn't happened yet, and it's causing me a lot of angst and anxiety. 

When that happens, you are vibrating at a shallow frequency, and that is not who you are. 

You are a high-vibing, infinite intelligence in a body, which already lowers your ability to hit the ceiling on your vibrational efforts. 

Still, there is a much deeper, more meaningful place where we can vibrate when we develop our spiritual gifts. 

Now, as I say that, I want you to picture your life and your struggles. 

Where is your life hard? What is holding you back? 

Why aren't you feeling the love, the value, the worth, the validation, the acceptance, the sense of being, the sense of purpose, and the satisfaction with your life and the places you're going? 

Now, if you have this perfect satisfaction in your life and don't honestly care about the world and all the stories you tell yourself are positive and motivating, thank you for doing your part in the world because we're better off to have you with us. 

If you are like me, who is kind of on this roller coaster of healing old wounds and transcending the shadow into the gift? 

I'm trying to find that pathway faster, more effective, and more efficient every single time. 

When I drop low, how do I get back to high? Quickly, very quickly. 

You do that by understanding what your spiritual gifts are. 

You have to know what you're trying to transcend. It's not just about going from sad to happy; it's more than that. 

I want to give you some examples. 

One of the ways that I help people improve their life experiences is through the gene keys. 

The gene keys are a profile of your DNA. They describe how you were built and what you came here to do. 

It holds all of you the unique specifics and specifications for your journey. 

Only you can fulfill this journey. Only you can take on the essence of who you are as an infinite being.

Let me give you some examples from my profile.

My life's work is not to be a life coach. 

Being a life coach actually complements my life's work. 

My life's work is to go from unease—that's the shadow—to intuition. 

If I ramp it up and have extra time, this will take years. 

If I get to that place where intuition is just automatic, it's just clicking, and there's no struggle to it; there's just not a lot of wavering. 

I don't dip down into unease again. I go right into the I'm always in that state of intuition. 

Then, the next level up is clarity, which has no agenda. 

How can you have no agenda in this life, right? That is what I'm here to transcend. 

If I knew my life purpose was to overcome unease, I'd have had a lot of unease. 

In the last blog post, #39, I talked about the struggle; my whole life has been a struggle, and I didn't know how to live without a struggle. 

I didn't know how not to fight for my validation, love, acceptance, and significance. I didn't know how to stop doing that. 

Instead, just be in love and creativity and this space of enjoyment, peace, and ease, flowing downstream, letting my life happen, trusting the process, and trusting the path of my life without trying to control it. 

I almost don't want to say it because it might jinx it. It's getting easier. Okay, universe, just don't punish me for saying that.

As I have become more aware of what I'm here to do, it's been easier to consciously pull myself back on track.

When I fall out of love, which is. to drop to a lower vibration, my goal is, okay, what is, what is my goal? 

I mentioned that the highest transcendent goal of my life path, my life purpose, my life's work, sorry, my life's work is clarity. 

Clarity is the art of softness. That one is really challenging me. 

Anytime I remember how somebody hurt me or wasn't nice or unfair and unjust, I go all the way back down to unease. 

That is not me. It is on the disintegrated point, but it's not me, the me that I love being, that's not me. 

Anytime there is a lack of love, I drop out of my gift and back into the mud. 

In my Gene Key profile, this is Gene Key 57, and I have a line one that means that I am the creator. Line one, in this sense, means creator. 

Now, can you please, okay? Your GeneKey profile has 11 pathways, and this is just one. 

This is called my life's work. It goes from unease to intuition to clarity; clarity is the art of softness. 

Then I have a line one, and that means that I am the creator. 

That means that through my creativity as a creator, I can move myself easily from this low vibrational energy of unease, uncertainty, lacking confidence, lacking love for my gift, which is intuition, to trust myself, trust my path, trust the things that come to me spiritually that I can say, oh, you're never wrong. 

Now ControlZilla. 

It's like, no, but we'll reason our way out of the intuitive information that's coming to you. I have to learn to shut off ControlZilla because that's where unease comes from.

I also need to learn to develop my spiritual gift of intuition, to be intuitively guided, and to live by the spirit. 

That is what it means to develop your spiritual gifts to be in tune with the spirit that is supposed to be the leader. 

But ControlZilla sits on top of the body; it controls even how you feel and move. 

It can take over your whole life and feel like a struggle. It feels so hard to just be you.

If you know your life work, we don't have to run a chart for you. 

But to know your life's work, now you're not like, oh, my life is all about the achievements and accomplishments and the things that I've done in my life or the people I've loved. 

It is about the people you've loved, but it's specific. It's much more specific than that. But we're not just a checklist.

I have a mentorship open right now, but my ability to transcend my shadow of unease and develop my gift of intuition so that I can get to that place of clarity, which is practicing the art of softness all the time, is not dependent on whether or not I run a mentorship. 

It's the mentorship that complements my ability to be an intuitive initiator. 

That's the point of developing a spiritual gift: to know who I am when vibrating high from my infinite intelligence, that bright, shiny being with all the glory and all the magnificence because it's in you, too, right? We're talking about all of us. 

To become that person who vibrates as high as we can get in a mortal field, in a mortal body where we have to play to time and gravity and the heaviness of who we are—the heaviness of how we have to live—that's a better way to phrase it. 

When we can develop those higher vibrational gifts, we can now operate and respond to life with tools in our pockets. 

Let's say I'm living vibrationally in the realm of intuition. 

What are the chances that I'll make better decisions? What are the chances that I will live in a higher state of love? What are the chances that I will find more balance in my life through prosperity and clarity? They are super high. 

Am I going to transcend trauma patterns? Yes. Am I going to transcend emotional negative cycles? Yes. Does it feel good? Absolutely.

But we need to find out what your life's work is, don't we? Wouldn't you love to know that? 

As I have studied the gene keys, which is a lot, it's a lot, a lot, a lot. 

They say it takes seven years to absorb it all. But if you understand, I only shared one of my pathways, which is my life's work, and I can give you a couple more examples. 

When you develop those kind of gifts, what can't you do? 

You're not going to live in the struggle; you're not going to live in the pain; you're not going to live in the past; you're not going to live in the trauma; you're going to heal the wounds; you're going to transcend the shadow, you're going to take your life to the next level and eliminate fear, doubt, struggle, chaos. Like, wouldn't that be nice? 

Just get rid of all that stuff. I think it's the only way to go. That's what I think. 

Having had a very traumatic past, having emotional neglect in my past, trying to figure out how to earn love or what does and doesn't work in that realm, which is so much work. 

Let's not do that. Just be here. Then, your ability to imagine your future. 

Imagine the things that you want. Imagine the relationships you want to have. Imagine feeling in a state of bliss most of the time. 

It's not going to be all the time because we're constantly being challenged. 

We're always being tested to see if we want to stay in this high-vibrational state.

Let's just check. 

Then, you're offered an opportunity to disintegrate, and you can choose to disintegrate or not. 

When you develop your spiritual gifts, you are generally aware enough of the temptation to join the argument. 

Someone wants to invite you to their argument, and you join them, down you go. 

You get to keep the struggle. 

But learn about who you are, why you're here, and your gifts. 

You will never feel more like yourself than when you start to transcend the shadow into the gift. 

You stay in that gift more often than not. 

Life is funny that way. 

As soon as you learn something more and say you want something better, life will offer you all the opportunities to see if you're serious. Are you sure? How about now? 

When you get serious about your life and develop those gifts inside of you, leading from your spirit. 

Everything gets better. It just gets better. 

But that's not to say you're not going to have the wounds show up because they do show up as soon as you say I want to feel better. 

I want to do all this gift-developing spiritual leadership stuff. 

As soon as you say that, just watch. 

This is normal—part of the process. 

You don't get to bypass it, and you don't get to skip it because you're a human, too. 

But, the wounds show up, and you're like, disintegrate. Oh, I hate that. Heal the wound and then integrate. 

Then you're like, does it feel good being me? And then, wham, life offers you an opportunity to disintegrate. 

Are you sure you want to integrate? You want to, like, will you stay down or rise? 

That's how you develop your gifts. It's like choosing repeatedly to rise to the occasion. 

But it's not wrong to disintegrate because a disintegrated state means there's a wound that needs attention and a hug. 

It needs some love, acceptance, and release. 

When you can do that work, you return to a good, high-vibrational state. 

A lot of people think that when they do the work, it's going to be depressing, and it's going to reopen all the wounds and pick at the scabs, and it's going to be ugly.

I don't believe in doing that. It might be noisy, it might be a little bit ugly, some ugly faces, ugly crying, but that's not wrong if you get it out of your body. 

What happens when you get it out of the body? Back to the spirit. Back you go, being your true self, your higher self. 

Okay, so let me give you one more example. 

When I first learned about it, I thought it was funny. I'm going to teach you and share my radiance with you. 

Your radiance is everything that keeps you healthy. 

Three or four pathways in your gene keys keep you healthy. 

It's your purpose, evolution, life work, and radiance—the four pieces of the diamond.

My radiance is Gene Key, 53. I was like, oh, that's why I chose my parents. Because of the disintegrated state, the low vibrational energy of my shadow in the radiance pathway is immaturity.

How interesting that I chose to be in a family with immature parents to learn how unsatisfying being immature as an adult is. 

When you take that immaturity and raise the vibrational energy to the gift, the gift is expansion. 

I said that nothing felt truer when I learned about these Gene Keys. 

My intuition is like, yes, I knew that was in you. I knew that was part of you. 

It just sort of validates what you've known about yourself all along. But expansion is absolutely part of my life path. It's where I thrive. I can't not expand. 

I have piles and piles and piles and piles and piles and piles and piles and piles and piles and piles and piles and piles and piles and piles and piles and piles and piles of books. 

Sometimes, I just need a title, a paragraph, a chapter heading, or just a little piece of that book, and my mind just goes, wow. 

All the applications just come to mind because this intuition, which is part of my life's work, is at work. 

It's opening up all the ideas and possibilities for what can be done with this new information. That is part of my expansion. 

I feel like I am dying if I don't grow and expand. 

My life is over; why am I even on Earth anymore? What good am I to the world, my people, and anyone if I'm not growing and expanding? 

That's the gift: living in that state of expansion makes me go. Yes, that is me. 

But if I ever get to the point where I can take that infinite intelligence, take the gift of expansion, and raise it even higher to a higher vibrational state, it becomes superabundance. Isn't that cool? That makes me so excited to be me. 

I want you to be so excited to be you and to know what keeps you healthy. 

I want you to understand what's part of your life's work, purpose, and evolution. 

I want you to know what your hologenetic pathway looks like, your DNA, how you're built, and what you're born to do here on Earth. 

Because it's not the checklist, it's not doing the laundry, doing the dishes, shopping, being somebody important on social media, or building a business. Whatever you do that makes you feel good is for your betterment. 

When you understand what you're here to do to build and develop your spiritual gifts, go from the shadow to the gift, and maybe even to that higher elevated city, you are the beneficiary of the experience, the satisfaction of being you and being this high vibrating person that shares their gifts with the world. 

Now, you can be and be confident in being you because it makes so much sense. I want you to have that. 

When I discovered this, I was like, Oh my gosh, this is like, it's like someone giving you the, all the answers to the test because now you know that when you're not feeling good, not doing well, not living in love, but playing towards fear. 

That you're not being your true self, that's not you. 

You're not a low-vibe person. You're a high-vibe person. 

When you know the exact goal, I know it is my job to contemplate the art of softness and align myself with it. 

Everything gets better after that. 

If you know your life path, work, and what keeps you healthy and makes you feel alive, then you can do it. 

If you don't know what it is, I don't know what I'm looking for. I'm going to make it about religion. I'm going to make it about God.

I'm going to make it about all these problems; nothing makes sense. I'm having a faith crisis. 

All you're doing is trying to find the pieces of you that you don't know what they are. 

You're like living in that low-vibe place. 

I want you to have the answers to the test. I want you to know what it means to feel that you have absolute clarity from where you are to where you're going. 

You've got an exact roadmap on how to get there and what it means to arrive there, stay there, and live life from that point, even from the aspect that you're probably going to decelerate before you integrate again. 

If you know what it is, there's no more guessing, no more dissatisfaction in the world, no more problems. 

Everything's perfect, and it's all happening in perfect timing. 

You're trusting your life, letting go. 

God, take the wheel. God's in charge. He has a plan. You're just here in service of the higher good of all. That's it. 

That's your legacy. That's the lesson you leave behind. 

As one of the greatest teachers your loved ones will ever meet. 

I just love it. Knowing what I'm here to do and why gives me absolute clarity. 

I'm hoping you'll want to know, too. 

Please reach out. You can email me at, and we can talk about your gene keys and what you're here to do. 

If you want to do this over a year in a group where you're fully supported and we talk about you all the time, click on my mentorship link, and let's get going. 

You have work to do, and you are the only one who can deliver this work in this world. 

I can't wait to meet you, work with you, and answer any questions you may have.

Note: You can access the full blog content in audio versions on Spotify and YouTube. Happy listening! 🎧 




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