We will talk about a really, really deep subject called rejection.
Can you feel the energy? It just kind of goes, ugh. It's like, I hate rejection.
For me, it is something that's come from my past. It's been a phew. It's been a big one.
Sometimes, I feel the grief of rejection in my lungs because your lungs are where you hold grief.
For the past four years, I have left my own fitness studio.
It was supposed to collapse so I could find freedom, but at the time, I perceived some rejection there.
People didn't agree with my methodology, or it was a rejection of myself for not being able to wear ten hats and succeed and for experiencing burnout.
I'm the positive, happy one. I'm fire and energetic.
Why am I burned out?
But you can't do everything in your life: everything, everything, everything without support.
Through this old story, I felt that being unsupported was directly linked to rejection, to rejecting my limitations, to rejecting the impact that I wanted to have in serving the higher good of all.
When you offer your gifts, you hope they are received well.
I think mine were. It doesn't bother me if somebody disagrees with my methodology.
It bothers me if I'm not able to reach an agreement with the people who want to disagree.
I feel like there's a level at which we can come together and understand that we're all trying to do our best.
We're all trying to give our best, but when my best wasn't good enough, I think I rejected the fact that I had those limitations.
My perception was always going to be skewed when looking at other people because I wasn't resolving the issue within, within myself.
This morning, as I was doing some writing, which is my meditation, stuff came out in my writing that I was like, wow. It was insightful.
I needed to hear that from my higher power. I needed that to come through me because if I don't understand this on a level that will change me, it will take out all the garbage.
It's Friday, garbage day. Today, I took out some garbage, and it felt good.
As I was talking to myself and my higher power. Like yourself, you're really smart.
Your inner intelligence is that spirit inside of you that makes your arms and legs move, right?
It can affect your brain if you let it, but your brain can also affect your spirit.
If you're feeling down and negative, your brain impacts that, but if you're feeling up and good and energized, your spirit impacts your brain. That's how it works.
Your body is just the middleman. It just sends hormones up and down based on the information it receives. Right.
It's like good information: We feel good, and bad information: We feel bad.
That's how it works.
There are three of us, and we're all trying to figure out how to play nice together on the playground.
When I have feelings about our thoughts, the thoughts first are always thoughts.
It's a meaning, and then it has an emotion associated with it.
If the thought is, I have rejection. I've been rejected.
My parents were emotionally immature. They rejected me as a person. They didn't see my love and light.
My love for them was never enough.
The rejection there, the thought, comes from fear. It comes from only two places: love and fear.
If it comes from fear, it won't have a good result on your body.
Your hormones are going to go; that's scary. We're not safe.
The nervous system is now on fire. Fight or flight, freezer fawn, and then your emotional state goes down.
Your energetic state has a low vibration to it.
Now that we're not feeling motivated or inspired, we're going to the freezer to see what kind of ice cream we have. There's stuff, right?
It's really important that we feel the low energy of feeling unsupported, thereby making that connection to rejection.
That it's bringing us down, and it's not our best offering.
I was reading in Malachi this morning in my scriptures; scripture reading just changes you.
If you give it a chance, if you do it consistently, even a verse, a verse a day, and then write about it, the first thoughts that come up.
You'll be astounded at the wisdom that comes from you.
I was reading in Malachi, and the question I asked was, what is your pure offering?
Malachi describes how the Israelites were told to give their purest offering, but they were picking out the sickly goat.
They're like, well, I can afford to give this one up, so here you go, God.
I was like, what do I do? What is it that I'm doing that is less than a pure offering to God?
This concept of rejection came up because God doesn't see me as rejected.
He hasn't rejected me. He's given me opportunities to grow, to see a new path, and to change paths.
I was maybe on a bad path, maybe I was in a stuck pattern, and maybe I needed to exit the roundabout.
He's like, here you go. I'm going to show you how to do that. I'm going to be like, I don't want that. It's changed. It's a scary change. It's going to change all the beliefs I've ever had. It's going to challenge my beliefs.
Every time it's been good, every time it's been for me, it's exactly what I needed. I didn't know I needed it, and that's okay. Because then I can just start again.
There are no do-overs, but there are lots of restarts starting again. It's okay.
You can only restart a few times because it puts you on a better path.
Every single time we resist change, we get to keep the problems we've always had.
Rejection stays. It stays the same.
It's always like, Oh, I don't belong. Ooh, I wasn't invited. Ooh, Hey, no one loves me. Ooh, I have to try harder, but it's just not rewarding. Ooh, I'm burned out.
I'm just going to give up.
Rejection happens on so many levels, so many times a day.
Somebody doesn't let us on the freeway. We're rejected, you know?
Then we're like, that guy's a jerk. That guy's not letting me that guy.
Then, we start blaming instead of taking personal responsibility for emotions.
If we dive into what it means to take personal responsibility, we will look at what I am offering the world.
What is it? A peer offering, or is it the spotted goat that's dying? Is it the sickly offering?
I think it's important to choose.
We have choices not to feel rejected, and that's a big one.
Can you choose that?
It's like, oh no, you can't because other people are the ones who are rejecting you. It's like, not really.
Maybe that's just a reflection of their self-rejection, false beliefs, current struggles, or bad lives.
It could be the whole thing, but nobody can reject you but you.
You can take yourself out of the game.
You can un-belong yourself.
You can tell yourself that you're not good enough, that you've done too much wrong to right the ship.
We're like two days after Twitch committed suicide.
This is being talked about globally, and there needs to be awareness.
I have other people in my family that have taken that path.
Do you think there was some self-rejection involved in the depression? Like depression? Okay, let's back up.
Suicide. Suicide has how many emotions attached to suicide? The suicide ideology.
How many emotions are in there? We'll never know.
For those of you who are listening to this, my hands are up in the air in a, I don't know, way, like shrugging the shoulders.
How many emotions are involved?
We don't know, but I guarantee rejection is somewhere that our offering's not good enough, that we can't overcome the struggles around us, and that we have the hopelessness and despair associated with rejection.
Those are all low-vibrational energies.
They're not wrong because we were given emotions, and we can name every emotion we've ever had.
We can name it. We can touch on it. We can kind of explain it.
They're right. They're just information.
Rejection is the emotion of rejection, the way it feels yucky in your gut.
I call that yucky gut soup. It's rejection. It's not good for us. It's a bad diet.
If it feels yucky in our gut, it's not good for us.
We ate the wrong energy. The energy of rejection is self-imposed.
Now, when you're a child, and you receive rejection, you're like, your parents are not emotionally connected; they are not accepting you for who you are.
They're telling you you don't feel the way you think.
They're trying to get you to comply, be obedient, and follow family values to the letter of the law so they can look like good parents.
You feel like they want you to feel good about yourself, and they think that these standards will help you feel good about yourself without assisting you process your emotions and how you think of them.
We get stuck in that emotionally immature place, and rejection becomes personal. It's like you removed your love from me.
When I didn't do what you thought I needed to do.
It feels like rejection because you didn't love me despite my misunderstandings and my inability to comprehend an adult concept at a very young age.
When this is happening, it's really important to identify and acknowledge that it's the immature you that feels rejected.
When you came into the world, you were not rejected.
Someone kept you, they cared for you, they loved you as best they could.
You were accepted.
You took your first breath, which means you were supported. Like breath, life itself, there's support that goes along with taking a breath.
That's why this grief in my lungs that I was talking about earlier is, it's part of my childhood conditioning, but it's not true.
It's not real. It's perceived. It was taught.
It was conditioned upon me that I should feel rejected for not being whatever X, Y, or Z, living up to my parents' emotional immaturity and their immature standards, and that I should know how to raise myself because they weren't going to do it for me.
They weren't going to help me with it. It's immature expectations.
The rejection that lives in us, that's part of grief, loss, despair, hopelessness, and even suicidal ideation, is not serving us.
It's not how we rise to the potential that's in us to be happy, to enjoy life, to be present, to focus on what we have the power to change.
It's an old story, and it only hurts you.
If we're going to be real, it's not about other people.
They didn't reject us.
They had already rejected themselves.
They were struggling even to own their lovability. They were just projecting their false beliefs onto us, thinking they were teaching us the truth.
But if truth and lies feel bad, rejection falls into the lie category.
It comes from fear, not love, right?
The thought you have about I don't belong, I have no voice, I can't say what I want to say, I can't be myself around the people I hang out with—that's a lie because it doesn't make you feel good.
It can make you feel stuck if it keeps your relationships in a tough place. It's a lie.
Maybe you chose people to be with back when you believed rejection was true.
Now you're in relationships, friendships, co-working relationships that are not serving you anymore because you're like, I'd really love to stop feeling rejected.
I would love to do something different than feel crappy all the time or even in certain instances.
In certain instances, it triggers your nervous system to feel the way it felt the first time you felt rejected.
You're like, what, four? You suddenly start operating as if everyone's dangerous, and you're going to remove yourself and run away from that rejection where you take yourself out of the game.
It's not serving your higher good because you're here to fulfill the measure of your creation.
There's only one of you.
There is not a duplicate anywhere else on Earth.
You have gifts to share, and your life is waiting for you to stop feeling rejected.
You need to decide that I am not rejected. Nobody can reject me. I am unrejectable. That's a fact.
The most detrimental rejection is you, of yourself.
When you reject yourself and decide that you don't belong, you don't fit in, you can't participate, and you have no say in your life or a voice to express an opinion.
You feel that kind of rejection because you can't overcome the world.
When you wake up in the morning, you reject yourself and your limitations.
You're doing exactly the opposite of your intention.
See, nobody's ever gotten out of bed and said, you know what?
Today, I think I'll suck.
Everybody's like, I think I want to try. I think I'm going to try to do better today.
I'm going to try and enjoy my life. I'm going to try and love myself.
I'm going to try and have a breakthrough.
I'm going to try and make an impact. I'm going to try to love others more.
Do the things that fill me up. I'm going to try.
Most of us, 99% of us, wake up.
I think I want to do something different.
Now the world's a big place.
We can speak about this in real general terms, but if you just take it into an application for yourself, you're not really worried about the one with a bigger problem than you do.
Just apply this to you because the very first place our brain goes is to everyone else.
If that person would just stop rejecting me or rejecting everyone or making everyone feel bad. But it's not everyone else that we're waiting for. You are waiting for you.
You're waiting for you to discover why you are rejecting you.
Why are you taking yourself out of the game? Why have you disallowed yourself from having all that you can have?
Why do you assume that the good stuff is for everybody else, whereas you assume that love and connection are something that has to be worked at? It is rejection and all of that.
You're holding yourself back, withholding stuff from yourself. It's not serving you.
You can't serve the higher good when you don't serve yourself.
You can't; if you take yourself out of the game, you miss the point altogether of serving the higher good, which is part of enjoying your life first, accepting your limitations first, and supporting yourself first.
Giving yourself a chance to be heard and seen first.
Remove rejection from you first. It's the oxygen mask principle.
You put it on you first; you can do a lot of good for other people, but if you're not wearing yours, you're just going to run out of air, and you will suffocate.
That's why rejection, grief, the rejection that resides in grief, lives in the lungs, and you just want to stop breathing.
Take a deep breath in. I felt like I just now needed a really big cleansing breath.
Take a breath in and breathe.
It’s a really, really important part of letting go of rejection.
Let yourself belong.
Start seeing yourself through God's eyes.
Has he rejected you? No, he has not. He has not, or he would have removed your breath.
Even then, that's not even true either; I will correct myself here.
When my dad passed, I was told I didn't come to this conclusion on my own, but I was told by him that it was his time. It was God's timing.
God's timing is very different. That when the breath leaves you on God's timing, he took you home.
It wasn't a rejection.
I also think that when someone chooses to withdraw from the game, they are longing for home in the worst way.
I can't understand how to turn that negative energy around and make it positive again in this life.
This life is incredibly heavy. It's hard. We're not built to do hard things.
That is the unpopular opinion. I'm going to leave right here. I've left it on a few other episodes.
We're not here to do hard things.
We're here to overcome the hard things. We have the capacity to do that.
But we have to be willing to overcome the hard things.
One of the hard things, one of those stories that we will almost live and die by, is rejection.
We have been rejected, and that's our truth, and we're sticking to it.
If that's your story, it doesn't change. Nothing shifts.
We have to be willing to shift.
We have to be willing to accept ourselves as we are and be patient with the process of making a comeback and making an energetic shift that makes us feel a little bit better.
We're not going to go from rejection to elation—that would be too big a jump, but we are going to go from rejection to maybe I've been wrong.
Maybe I'm okay just the way I am. Maybe I was just hanging out with the wrong people.
Maybe those people were suffering, and I just assumed it was about me. Maybe I took things too personally.
Perhaps I can let go of that and do some art or something else that really helps me fill in the space.
Fill it with a better energy. Cause that's where you start.
I've been working on myself diligently for, I would say, 40 years. Maybe only 35.
But today, December 16th, it became crystal clear to me that I no longer have to hold rejection in my lungs.
I no longer have to believe that I've ever been rejected. I no longer need to hold space in my being for anything having to do with being rejected.
That rejection is a choice.
I can belong to the people who are for me. I can be with myself, support myself, and be kind to myself. I can let go of expectations and just take it as it comes.
Get out of bed in the morning, put my feet on the floor, and say it will be a good day today.
I will be as kind to myself as I can. I will.
It lessens the impact of rejection until you can ultimately say, we're done.
We're having a breakup. I'm breaking up with you, rejection.
You're not a thing in my life. You can't impact my body, my mind, or my spirit anymore.
I choose to see myself the way God sees me: whole, happy, loved, fully accepted, and at peace with those ideas.
Because those ideas are for me, and they're for you because that's how we get out of the hole.
That's how we climb up, rise, and fulfill the measure of our creation by belonging to a world with much perceived rejection.
If you participate in it, that's on you.
If you let go of who you are and stop believing in your true wholeness, that's yours to uncover and grow from.
So, onward and upward, right?
We're going to grow, we're going to learn, we're going to believe and accept that we are a work in progress.
There's nothing about us that can be rejected. The only thing that's in us is to love.
When you think you're good enough as is, tomorrow will be better because I grow every day.
Every day is a new chance to understand something new about myself, how I operate, what I'm here to do, why I love what I love, and why I think what I think.
Every day is a new opportunity for self-discovery, which means you're only getting better.
You're only getting better every day. You're not the same person that you were yesterday.
Let's not pretend we are; let's not operate as if we are.
Let's just accept ourselves as we are, grateful for all that has transpired because it helps us become who we were meant to be.
Practice self-love and self-acceptance because that's the only thing that's for you.
It will help you, support yourself, and serve the higher. Whole of all. It's how humanity changes together collectively.
Okay, those are my thoughts for today.
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