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Teresa Ford • May 24, 2024

Blog Post #42

Signs Your Prayers Are Answered

#stressrelease #traumarelease #stressrelief #somatichealing #sympatheticnervousystem #rest #relaxation #overstimulated

We'll jump in here and talk about how God loves you because he answers you when you sit and ask. 

Asking or praying is an intention. 

You intend to ask for something that you want or need, something that will make you feel better. 

It must include your willingness to receive the gift. 

We talk about receiving gifts all the time because whenever there's a want, a hope, a need, or a desire, it's because we want something, and we want to receive it, but we have only sometimes been good receivers. 

Today is all about how you can be a good receiver. 

I'm just going to take examples from my life. 

The one that is currently happening is how my business is evolving. 

Now, I'm not here to create a business. 

I am here to practice the art of softness, which goes from unease to intuition to clarity, and clarity is the art of softness. 

My weakness, midpoint, and most significant strength are what I'm here to do. 

In my business, I'm learning to practice getting clear; having clarity is not having any contrast. 

Okay, but I am here to find my way there, and so are you. 

As we get precise, opening the heart walls, it softens so that we can receive the answers we've been asking for. 

This is where our life changes. This is the fulcrum of going from, I don't know to, oh, I do know. 

But it's a matter of connecting the dots. 

If we ask, you must know you are connecting the dots. It won't be a bolt of lightning; most likely, none of us have in-person visitations from the other side. 

We must look for the subtleties of what is happening and how we are being a cooperative component to the asking we are putting out there. 

When we ask for something, there's some effort, not hard work. 

We don't have to push through, strive hard, and earn it all. We don't have to do that. 

But we need to be very aware of the kind of creativity we're putting out in the world, the softness, the art of love; they're putting that love into action so that we're having fun and experiencing joy because that's what we're here to do. 

We're not here to struggle, push hard, or be sick and tired. 

We're here to enjoy growth. 

When we enjoy growth, we put more love into the world, which is your goal in this life: to put more love and light into the world. 

Don't pay attention to your fears or look around you to see who's putting you in an unsafe place.

Be open-hearted and put love and light into the world because that's what you're made of. 

So the more of you, the more love and light of you that shows up, the better the world gets. Right? 

You're just one little speck of love and light added to many specs of love and light, and then we become a bonfire of love and light. Right? 

That's how you change the world, is it not? It's just one you at a time. 

If you're listening, and let's say 20 other people are listening to this episode, all wanting to know how to be more of themselves, more love and light, guiding you home is about creating more love and light, the stuff you're made of, right?

Knowing that God loves you and answers your prayers is enormous because most of us are like, I don't know; I didn't hear anything. I don't know; he is. It's like, oh, never mind God, I got it. 

The gift I asked for just showed up. 

It wasn't because of you; it was because of X, Y, Z, right? 

The man on the roof was re-roofing, and he started to slip off the roof, and God helps me, save me, and his pants catch on a nail, and he's like, never mind, I got it. Right? That's it. 

There are no coincidences. There's only coinciding with the things that we've asked for. Okay? 

We have to connect the dots because that's where the answers lie. Alright.

Here's what came out the end of my pen. 

When you ask, you do receive. You just have to connect the dots. 

When you ask, you receive, and then I just put a colon, and all the as you showed up, like as you take action and live it. 

If you're asking for more love, the requirement is that you act like love.

If you want to be the love you attract, you must. That's the shift in you. 

That's what you have a responsibility to do.

You must act like it if you want love, money, or help. 

I acted like I was already fit when I lost eight dress sizes. Not thinking that I was already fit, but doing, getting up at 5 a.m., going out and doing my exercise, coming back in, and eating six times during the day when it would matter to my body. 

I was telling my body, go ahead and burn fat; you're safe. 

I was telling my body that every day, and six months later, it's coming one way or another.

In six months, I had lost eight dress sizes because I was living in alignment with what I was asking for. It makes sense. 

Because we're not going to say, please make me healthy. Please bless my health. Okay, but what are you doing to be a cooperative component to help that come to pass? 

What God can do is give you strength. 

God can give you intuition, inspiration, and impulses to follow. 

See, I was in in-fitness when I lost eight dress sizes. 

I was a stay-at-home mom, homeschooling five kids, living a busy life, getting lost in the service of others, putting myself on the back burner, and being too tired to take care of myself. 

I didn't know how to lose eight dress sizes, but the thought occurred to me when I put it out there in the ask, asking, when I was looking underneath my shirt on one side and then the other in a dressing room mirror, I was like, there has gotta be a better way. That's another form of asking. What is the other way? 

If there's gotta be a better way, what is it? That's when I was just driving home in meditation, not obsessing over dieting or controlling everything that's out of my control. 

I was contemplating the answer, and the thought came to me: if you can get unhealthy one meal at a time, you can probably get healthy one meal at a time. 

It was an inspiration out of nowhere. It wasn't a voice from heaven, per se, but it was an inspiration and an answer to my question. 

I had to connect the dots. Oh, I asked, and I received. 

Now, it's up to me to decide what to do with what I received and to make it happen one meal at a time. 

Don't get overly antsy, don't get impatient, and don't do anything extreme. 

That wasn't the instruction. The instruction was if you can do it in one direction, you can undo it in the other direction. Oh, so I'll keep doing what I've always done, except healthily. 

It wasn't hard or complicated, and that's how you know you're receiving true guidance. 

Is it simple, straightforward, and sometimes, often, it's repeated? That's the first thing that came out of the end of my pen. 

The second thing was, as you feel a sense of knowing, my first husband and I were in a challenging situation where my family was going to be homeless basically. 

I was like, nope, my place is in the home, not getting a job, not getting a job, not getting a job. 

I had a lot of resistance to what was happening around me, thinking I was applying faith that there was something bigger at work, and I didn't even know about it. 

I had a sense of knowing that it was time to do something different. 

When I was planning, I asked you to please help us financially and help us get a job. It was I who needed to get the job. 

It wasn't my husband until I was willing to shift my mind about the instruction. 

I knew that I needed to do something different—I needed to get the job. 

I couldn't have followed through with that and received all the blessings that have come to me. 

I'm talking about being shy, introverted, small, and not living up to my potential. 

I was like, no, my job is as a mother, raising a family, that's it. It wasn't on my life path to just do that. 

It was in my life path to expand, reinvent myself, and open up to other possibilities, even the scary ones that pushed me way, way outside my comfort zone. 

But I needed to follow that sense of knowing I needed to get a job. Thank heavens I did.

I got a job the same day that I decided, okay, I will put on my big girl pants and fake a resume, and out I go. 

I don't know where I'm getting a job. I don't know where it's at. This was before the internet. 

A voice said down the street, check out the gym at the end of the road. Sure enough, there's a help-wanted sign on the window. 

I was like, you have to be kidding me. But I asked, and I was willing to receive it.

 I was open to the answers. 

I was less resistant than before when I thought, no, I got a job. 

My place is in the home at the end of the story, and I am not listening to anything else. If I had stayed there, we would have been homeless. 

I would have missed out on all these other opportunities to work with phenomenal people, see their spirits grow, and witness them have aha moments where they realize the true nature of their powers; it was mind-blowing. 

If I hadn't been open to receiving the answer and connected the dots and realized, okay, this is what I asked for, and this is what's coming through. 

I didn't get to say how it was going to come through. I just had to ask for what I wanted and let it come through. 

That's a fundamental principle, and I want you to hear that. 

When you ask for something, let it come in; however, it's going to come in because I definitely never, in a million years, thought it would be working at a gym. 

I never in a million years thought it was going to be in fitness because I had lost eight dress sizes on my own.

I had not been in a profession where I was an accidentalpreneur. 

My career found me out of necessity.

I see when you ask; let it in however it comes and connect the dots. I asked, and this is what came in. Okay, just go with it. 

Go with it because you have yet to learn how you will grow and expand in that experience. 

Even if it's short-lived, something else will open up because you took that first step. Just trust the process, okay? 

By the way, the third thing that came in is 22 things. All right, so let's speed along. 

The third thing was, as you allow it to be shown to you. 

All right, so we covered that, right? I allow it to be shown to you. However it comes in, don't dismiss it. 

I've heard people say they've had inspiration come in, and then they're like, oh, not no, but hell no.

They put a hard stop to it, which I initially did when the answer was to go check out the gym at the end of the road. I was like, oh no, no. 

I sat in the parking lot and cried for an hour before I mustered up the courage to dry my tears, grab my fake resume and just go in and get the freaking thing over with, and I got hired the same day, right? 

The blessing I requested could come quickly when I was willing to do what was delivered. Keep that in mind.

The fourth thing was as you patiently watch and wait. When you ask, you shall receive. 

When you patiently watch and wait. 

I have had people tell me they've asked for answers, which took eight years. 

I remember asking to have this grief and loss during my divorce removed from me, and it took eight years. 

Through small, incremental steps, I was able to move through the perception of disconnection, through the perception that I was no longer connected with the dream I originally had for myself and my family.

It took me eight years to shift, move my brain, change my heart, drop the walls, and accept. What is being given to me as a gift? 

You can move through it quicker than you might otherwise, but just know that you are patiently watching and waiting.

The gift shows up; it just does. 

Okay, next I wrote, as you trust in the process. 

I'm telling you, that's probably one of the hardest things because you can't see the process. 

You must trust it. 

Someone's got a plan for you, and it's not you. 

It's being shown to you gradually through your wants and desires because you would never want or desire anything if it weren't for you. 

You're just learning to move through your wants, hopes wishes, and desires as indicators of the process you're here to live through, and that process holds your asking and you're receiving. 

Be patient with that, okay? 

The next thing I wrote down was as you receive a witness. 

The witnesses that come to you can be people who say things to you that you're like, in no way. 

I was praying, and you just, wow. Okay. 

Sometimes, the witness is a sign. 

You can ask for a sign. 

I have asked my helpers and healers on the other side for a sign, and they have given me the exact sign that I have asked for, whether it be an apology or a phone call. 

They came in exactly as I asked for them. That's a witness, right?

My friend Lorraine Nelson, who shares a podcast with me called Finding Me Your Roadmap, told us the other day on an episode that when her dad passed, she was like, okay, I'm going to ask you questions because you're wiser now than you were when you were in a body. 

She asked him yes or no questions; the answer was tails-up dimes. She wants to see only tails-up dimes, and that's a yes. It's so funny because she's been having some conflicts. 

If you want to hop over to episode 68, you can listen to it, or it is no 67. 

She talks about the conflict she's been going through and how she was trying to find peace. 

But when she talked to her dad about how I handled it with my son, right? 

Am I doing the right thing? She was heading home, and two dime tails were on the sidewalk. 

Yes and yes to the two questions she was asking him. 

Watch for the witness. It's fantastic and uncanny if you just get out of the way, put down your doubt for an app, stay in a state of believing, and watch the magic happen. It's pretty cool. Okay, as you plant seeds of faith. 

In my business, I'm growing it, developing it, changing it, and morphing it into products and income streams that bring me a lot of satisfaction because they align with who I am and what I'm here to do. 

I was in the flow and getting all this creative energy going, and then a Saturday, a Sunday, a Monday, and a Tuesday rolled through, and I was like, oh my gosh, am I dead? 

I can't think of anything inspiring to say, do, create, move towards, or read, or I would be dead. I was like, what is that? 

I prayed about it and was like, show me what I'm supposed to be doing right now because I hate the lack of direction. I need some direction. 

The answer was to plant your flowers. I was like, what? Okay, really? 

I intended to pull out dead plants that had died over the last couple of years. 

I haven't done anything with them. They have just been sitting there staring at me dead on the ground, and I'm like, okay. 

I just went, pulled up all the dead stuff, and planted new stuff. 

Can you hear the symbolism in that? Like pull up the dead stuff, the stuff that no longer serves you, it's not pretty, it's a look at, it's not interesting anymore, it's not adding to your life, get rid of it. Then, plant something new. 

I bought all the new plants and put them in, and they were already flowering because it's spring. And geez, that brought so much satisfaction that I could just let go of what I thought I was supposed to be doing and receive the gift of spending time in nature. 

Just let it all go, relaxing, and when I returned after planting them all, I said, okay, I'm ready for more, and more showed up. 

Planting seeds of faith that the things you're asking for are coming. 

Maybe planting seeds of faith for you is a good idea. I need a lot of money, and my wallet's too small. I need to get a more oversized purse. 

And you go and plant a seed of faith, knowing that better, bigger, more money is on the way. 

Plant a seed of faith, put it out there. It's like, you know, I want a camping trailer. 

You get this impulse to buy TV trays that you're going to use inside your camping trailer or just outside under the awning, and it's going to provide ease and fun—being able to paint outside, read outside, or eat outside on these new shiny TV trays even though the trailer hasn't shown up yet.

You're planting a seed of faith that it will. It's coming. 

It's on its way because I'm doing the work. It will take time, but I'm going to buy the impulse. 

That is planting the seed that shows faith that your request is on its way, okay? 

The next thing I wrote down is that when you ask, you receive as you begin writing to see what comes out. 

I just had this crazy thing; it's like putting your pen on the paper. 

Just put it on paper, and stop looking at the internet. 

Stop looking at social media, stop wondering what you should create next, and stop looking for content—no, no. 

Just put your freaking pen on the paper. 

And so I just set everything down, put it aside, and put my pen on the paper.

I was like, okay, what? A little bit annoyed.

 I was like, what, what? What's going to come out? 

This came out of the end of my pen when I kept receiving this inspiration because I was asking for inspiration. 

Just stick your pen on the paper, and we'll show you. 

We can only tell you or show you once you do what we ask. 

I put my pen on the paper, and 22 ways came to me to know that God hears my prayers and answers them if I'm willing to receive them. 

The irony is so good. 

Their wit is hilarious. 

The next thing is to channel creativity, lightness, and humor and not take everything seriously. 

I need help. And you can too, in the work that you do, that you find so interesting, it just drives you. 

Nobody has to remind you to do this kind of work, or you might not be serious about doing the stuff you hate. 

Lighten up. You'll receive the gift of doing the things that you've had resistance to before when there's humor. 

Put on a fun thing to listen to. Put on your 80s rock music and just go crazy cleaning the house. 

Do the thing that will make your creativity and lightness show up. 

That makes everything easier. Agreed?

The next thing I wrote down is as you relax. And then the thing after that I wrote down as you smile. 

Smile and relax. Have you ever prayed while you were smiling or smiled while you were praying?

 When you smile and pray, it changes everything. 

The gratitude is instantaneous. 

Gratitude and universal forces are excellent friends; they love happiness, harmony, relaxation, peace, and ease. 

Just let go. 

It's the control that kills the vibe. 

Don't control everything. Let go, be at peace, chill out, and enjoy your life. 

Find a hammock. Go have a hammock life. 

Everybody has at least 10 minutes to sit in a hammock every day. 

Just pretend like you're on a 10-minute mini vacation. Smile the whole time. 

Your life will improve because you just elevated your vibrational energy to a better place. T

That's when you know you're receiving the good stuff. 

It's really where you can hear God. He lives in a higher energetic vibration, right? I mean, he's not a low-vibe guy. He's up there. 

Then, when you rise there, too, you have a greater chance of that knowingness, the connection that you have with the things you're asking for, and how you are being supported, guided, and given the gift you've asked for. 

The next thing on my list was practice. 

As you practice, are you practicing what you preach? Are you practicing what you believe? 

Are you telling people that you should be this and this in these high-value lofty places or that they should try harder to be there, and yet you are living down here doing low-vibe stuff? 

You have to practice what you preach to be the receiver of the gifts you've asked for. 

Those gifts are not gonna come when you're in a low-vibe state. 

You're just shutting the door and locking it. 

They're knocking on the door, and you're not answering because you're in a low-vibe state; they can't come in.

Return to the hammock, smile, meditate, pray, and think about puppy dogs and butterflies. 

That's what it takes to shift your mind. 

It will get better when you practice the things that bring you peace. All right. 

When you ask, you receive as you follow your impulses and curiosities. 

It's not a fluke to rearrange the furniture if you lose if you've lost your favorite paper clip and then you end up finding it in the couch cushion. 

Follow your impulses and your curiosities. 

The answers will always be given there. 

If it's a book, sometimes I have an impulse just to buy it because of its title. 

I opened it, and the chapter heading was all I needed. I closed the book, and I was done. I just needed to own the book. 

The inspiration from that title was all I needed. Or maybe it's just a paragraph or a sentence in the book. I will open it up, and there's the answer. 

I don't generally read books cover to cover, and I don't listen to audiobooks end to end, either. 

It's really where I turn it on; there's the nugget. So watch for it. 

You have to connect those dots you've asked, and then it's given. 

Okay, as you speak your truth. Woo, this was a powerful because as you speak your truth. 

The answers show up. 

Sometimes, you have to talk long enough to hear yourself say the answer. 

The thing you're praying about comes out of your mouth in the thing you were having difficulty expressing. 

You're like, what do I want? What do I want? I don't know. 

I don't know what I want. I don't know if it is a dream killer. 

Sometimes, it takes saying all the negative things you find as truth and turning them into what you want, right?

You're like, my speaking my truth is, I'm so sick and tired of this happening and that happening and those people and this person. 

Then all of a sudden, you're like, 'cause all I want is, and then you speak your truth. Because it's coming from you, it's who you are. 

It's that higher vibrational, as long as you're saying those higher vibrational words.

I'm limitless. I'm effortless. I am so fun, because I'm so smart.

When you save those words with higher vibrational energy attached to them, they are designed specifically to raise the level of our thinking.

If it takes getting all the low-vibe words out of the way, then watch the high-vibe words come in afterwards because you kind of have to clear the dust before this clears the clouds for the sun to come out. 

Okay, so speak your truth in a journal, to a friend, a safe space, right? 

Not everybody's ready to hear your truth, but you are.

Do it so in a way that you can hear yourself. 

That's the most important part because you will give the answers to the test. 

Then, as you willingly expand your thoughts and awareness, again, we are stuck in a story that we're telling ourselves that is not true. 

If it's keeping us from achieving the things we're here to do, to increasing the enjoyment in our life. Right? 

So, if you're willing to expand your thoughts, you will give up old thoughts that no longer serve you. 

That is an answer to a prayer that you have asked for. 

I want things to get better. I want to feel better, do better, be better.

You're here for the betterment. You're here for the moreness of you, which is always a better version of yourself. 

It's inching closer to that higher true self that you are, the love and light, right? 

As you're willing to expand your thoughts and your awareness, things change. 

Go with the old stories that are denying your gifts and let them through with new thoughts and news stories. If you need help with that, contact me because we have work to do. 

We are pattern breakers. 

The next one is as you serve. 

When we help others, we help ourselves, period. 

It always feels better to do something for someone else. 

Now, I'm not talking about enabling. Other episodes discuss enabling. 

You don't do for other people what they can do for themselves, but when you intend to bring more love and light into the world, because that's what you're asking for every single time.

No matter what you say in your prayer, you're asking for more love and light in the world. You will find yourself serving more willingly. 

It's not like, oh, I have to go help Aunt Mabel move her table again. No, it's like, hey, I've got plans tonight. 

I'm going to help somebody do something that they have been praying for and asking for. 

Maybe you'll follow an impulse, which is one of the things I've listed here. 

An impulse is being given to you for your improvement. 

Maybe the impulse is to do something nice, get a gift card, write a sweet note, or do something to serve somebody else to lift the vibrational energy in the world. 

You will receive tenfold back. It's a karmic thing, right? 

What you put out comes right back to you. 

When you ask, you receive. as you offer up your best self. 

If you drag yourself out of bed, you're already 20 minutes late. 

You skipped breakfast, so you're running on fumes. You went to bed late the night before, so you couldn't get up in the morning, and you're expecting to get more done on less sleep. 

That's probably not your best offering. 

Bringing your best self to the world requires you to do so because you're asking for more.

You can't do more about being sick and tired of being sick and tired; you just can't do more. 

You're not getting the job done. 

Doing less, less of the busy stuff and more of the big rocks, the big important things that if you get one, two or three done, you move the needle and have a good day. 

Okay, that's how you offer up your best self. 

You maximize your energy; you are more effective and efficient with your time. 

You put your time in quality places that don't drain your energy. 

What does that do? 

It brings that love and light to you. It brings the expansion of you. It brings moreness to the things you hope, wish, and desire. Right, because if you're hoping, wishing, and desiring, those things are in you to bring forward into your life. 

You want to attract those things. You wanna be the magnet. 

They're like, hey. We're going over there. 

If you can do that because your energy is good and high, and the things you're asking for are coming to you because you are offering up your best self, you're open, receptive, and allowing, and there's no resistance to your asking. 

That is your best self because now you're in that high-vibing place where things can find you, and when they knock, you open the door. All right. 

The next one I wrote down is you tear down your walls.

I have a program called Walls Down Coaching Open Heart. 

When your heart is open, the walls are down, and you're vulnerable, but that's vulnerability without judgment. 

You can get the support you need.

You're like, please help me; I feel all alone, I feel isolated, I need help, I need guidance, I need support, I need somebody that's done what I'm trying to do because I don't have a clue. 

If you're asking for that on some level, guess what? It's available. 

When you drop your heart walls, when you take your walls down, we build up these walls that protect us from what?

 It's from what our fear brain thinks is going to hurt us. 

But if there's nothing that can hurt you because you have all the power.

You can give it away and let people hurt you, or you can maintain it and stay sovereign from all the noise and garbage around you, the low-vibe energy, right? 

You can tear down those walls and open your heart to the possibilities. 

Answers can come, and you will be able to connect the dots. 

But as long as hard-hearted, closed off, fearful of what might happen, what hasn't happened, and fear about everything, that's what worry is, right? 

Worry is fear of things that have not happened. 

If you take fear out of the equation, guess what?

Love can fill the place where fear is. 

Pair down those walls to receive what you've been asking for. 

As you install Healthy Boundaries. This one came in right after Drop Your Walls. 

We're not saying let unhealthy people in. 

We're not saying let unhealthy circumstances throw you into the wind. 

We're not saying keep toxic relationships in your life. No, no, because we're all asking to heal. 

Heal the wounds, heal the triggers, heal the bad memories, heal ourselves from spending too much time in the past. 

We're asking for that because it's further light and knowledge. 

There is more love and light in the world. 

As you install healthy boundaries, after removing the heart wall, codependency goes way down because healthy boundaries are what keep you from hopping the fence into an unhealthy place again.

If you've been in one in your work environment or with the people you interact with, that's okay, but make sure you understand healthy boundaries.

I have an episode. I don't know which one it is, but it's in the lineup on boundaries, for they're there to keep you safe. Okay? 

You will receive answers as you walk your talk. That means integrity. 

That's the same thing I was talking about when I was talking about my fitness journey. I looked at myself, and the outside was not what I believed and professed to be on the inside. 

I was like, I am a young, happy, fun, enthusiastic person, and the outside is old and wired and tired, and what's happening? I was not in integrity. 

If you can't keep a promise to yourself, who can you keep one to? 

When you align with the love and light that you are, you will recognize when blessings are offered to you. 

You will line up with knowing you are receiving the gift you requested, okay? 

We got two to go, all right, two to go. 

As you study to seek further light and knowledge, that is a big test. for most people, okay? 

Most people want things to be given to them, but they don't go seeking them. So be a seeker. 

If you've asked for something and hope to receive it, be willing to seek out more light knowledge. 

Go in search of the answer yourself; you'll be guided. We don't often connect the dots to that part. 

You're guided to the information you need. Or you're guided to talk to the person with the information you need. 

It's not necessarily gonna be a download directly from the spirit. 

It can come through other authors, other speakers, people who are one Sunday ahead of your Monday, just people who have done what you're trying to do, right? Or it could be a road sign.

It could be a quote that randomly shows up on your newsfeed. 

Your questions can be answered as you study and seek their light and knowledge.

Be very intentional about it; I'm looking for this answer. 

This is the book, this is the author, this is the podcast, this is the person that has done what I'm trying to do. Connect the dots; it's an answer. 

Okay, and last but not least, as you insist on a better life and put your foot down, 

When you take action, you can receive the things you want, and you are no longer available for the garbage. 

Take that. Put that in your hat.

 It's that you insist on having better thoughts and refuse and are unavailable to think of the old thoughts that keep you stuck. 

That means you participating, being a cooperative component to receive the blessing you've asked for. It means dismissing doubt and putting it behind you, embracing faith, and moving forward.

That's where your future is.

It's in faith, and it's forward. 

When you are moving forward and expecting forward to unfold for you because you're not living in the past anymore, more of the good stuff you've asked for can come in. That's how you know. 

But be patient. It's a process. 

You're evolving this entire time. You're learning and growing on how to be your best self.

As you practice, you explore and expand your true nature, looking for signs that your prayers are being answered because you asked. 

I hope you heard a nugget or two in this episode and that it's valuable to you. 

You can implement that immediately because you've been asking for answers. That's why you're on my podcast: I'm trying to give you the answers to the test, and we're a match, right?

I'm doing the thing you've asked for. 

Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help you. 

You can always reach out. I'm right here, 100% invested in what makes you happy.

Guiding you home is all about going inward. 

Take some time to contemplate some of the things you heard today and implement them immediately.

It's going to make your life so much better.

Note: You can access the full blog content in audio versions on Spotify and YouTube. Happy listening! 🎧 




#traumahealingjourney#stressrelease #traumarelease #stressrelief #somatichealing #sympatheticnervousystem #rest #somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussysemhealing #nervoussystemhealth #traumainformed #emotion

#somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #nervoussystemhealth
By Teresa Ford September 3, 2024
You are creative at the heart of who you are. You would rather be in charge of creating your life and deciding the who, what, and when of your daily schedule. When you discover your true self, you won’t be able to plow through every day like a drone, exhausting yourself with people pleasing or trying to meet unrealistic expectations in hopes of being valued and appreciated. Your inner genius is your spirit. She is love and light. She has so much to say, share, and experience. It would be a crying shame to keep her stuffed away, never to contribute her gifts and talents to the world, wouldn’t it? Your inner genius is very wise and wholly intelligent. If you take time every day to ask her questions to which you seek answers, she might surprise you with the creative ways she nudges you to be the unrestrained genius you have wanted to give you the answers to the test.
#anxiety #anxietytips #depression #depressionsolutions #cortisol #hormonehealth #hormonehealing
By Teresa Ford September 3, 2024
If you listen to your body, which is talking to you all the time, you will have a much better handle on your real needs and what are just coping strategies. You may feel like there is a void you can’t fill. Stop, breathe in three sharp breaths, hold for three seconds, and exhale slowly—repeat three times. When you tune in to your actual needs to get more sleep, start a project you’ve been putting off, or engage in a creative outlet and take action, you will avoid the frustration that comes with the myriad of ways we can find to procrastinate and become out of alignment with our true selves. With practice, it will become clear how to end cycles of procrastination that breed self-doubt and allow yourself to feel fulfilled, attuned, and complete.
#somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #nervoussystemhealth
By Teresa Ford September 3, 2024
A balanced and regulated nervous system supports not only your inner child, who needs you to stay with her when she feels insecure and afraid of the “situation” you might be going through, but it will exponentially change your outer world as you walk with confidence and assurance that who you are, as you are is the only person you can be. The real you is when you are simultaneously connected to your soul, your inner child, your intuitive guidance, and your body. Not a single part of you is being denied, ignored, or abandoned. Your body holds all of the past memories, good or bad, through the conditioning of the nervous system, and it just so happens that your spirit also lives in your body.
#anxiety #anxietytips #depression #depressionsolutions 
#traumaandsomatics #emotionalregulation
By Teresa Ford August 26, 2024
Are you feeling drained and stuck in a rut? Discover how a powerful morning practice can ignite creativity and sharpen intuition. Imagine starting your day with frequency music that resets your nervous system and fuels your resilience. Dive into visualization and intention setting to unlock personal growth and self-discovery. Elevate your high-frequency energy to spark inspiration and enhance your emotional well-being. Through mindfulness and automatic writing, you'll tap into profound insights. Embrace servant leadership and adaptability to transform your energy and conquer exhaustion. Tune into our latest podcast episode to learn how to flow seamlessly with life and turn your daily struggles into a vibrant, balanced existence.
#traumaandsomatics #emotionalregulation #somatic #confidence #confidencebuilding #meaningfuldialogue
By Teresa Ford August 26, 2024
Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a never-ending cycle of exhaustion despite your best efforts? It's time to tap into your expansive spirit and elevate your energetic frequency to break free. By addressing the impact of trauma on your nervous system, you can foster profound personal growth and embrace change. Start by reverse engineering your aspirations, conquering doubt, and resetting your nervous system through nurturing your inner child. Invite divine abundance into your life and find humor in the process. This approach will not only lift your mind to a higher state of being but also help you go with the flow of life and find much-needed relief from exhaustion.
#stressrelease #traumarelease #stressrelief #somatichealing #sympatheticnervousystem #rest #trauma
By Teresa Ford August 26, 2024
Your job has never been to do hard things. Your job is to find the way to doing challenging things more easily. Another way to say that is to let go of the resistance you added to the experience and let yourself find the more simple path. Imagine this: You're on a rowing boat, facing upstream, fighting against the current, thinking, “If I just paddle harder, I’ll get somewhere!” But there’s one caviat; all rivers flow downstream. Upstream padding is not what is needed most. Setting the paddle down and letting the current take you is easier. But, if it was that easy, everyone would be doing it. Haha
#stressrelease #traumarelease #stressrelief #somatichealing #somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystem
By Teresa Ford August 17, 2024
Your nervous system plays a crucial role in your overall well-being, and finding ways to calm it is essential for maintaining inner peace. Whether you’re dealing with daily stress or on a journey of healing trauma, it’s important to find practices that help you relax and reset. Discover how to calm your nervous system and make peace with gentle techniques for releasing tension and negativity. By taking time to calm your nervous system and release all stress, you create space for healing and renewal. Learn to let go of the past and embrace the present moment by learning how to calm your nervous system and release negativity. This process not only supports emotional balance but also helps you reset your nervous system and release stress, fostering a deeper sense of well-being. Allow yourself to experience the peace of a calm and balanced nervous system and take steps towards profound healing and tranquility.
#somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussysemhealing #nervoussystemhealth #trauma
By Teresa Ford June 5, 2024
In this transformative podcast, Teresa dives deep into understanding the inner workings of your nervous system, helping you heal from past trauma, and empowering you to live a life of emotional freedom and fulfillment. Get ready to reconnect with your inner self, nurture your emotional needs, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Tune in and let Teresa be your compassionate guide on the path to wholeness and empowerment.
#somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussysemhealing #nervoussystemhealth #trauma
By Teresa Ford May 24, 2024
We seek Emotional Freedom, but unless we are able/willing to give up emotional chaos, it will illude us, and we may never feel at peace and harmonic with the flow of life. This makes life hard. In this episode, Teresa Ford helps you identify the habits that must be abandoned in place of the thought patterns that can shift you from a state of negative emotion, such as anger, betrayal, disappointment, irritation, sadness, and grief, into a state of peace of ease. If you pick up a nugget of insight or two, please be sure to share them in the comments.
#somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussysemhealing #nervoussystemhealth #trauma
By Teresa Ford May 24, 2024
The Power of three is everywhere in our lives. It starts with God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost. Also, Christ rose on the 3rd day. Why 3? The number 3 biblically represents divine wholeness, completeness, and perfection. We spend most of our lives trying to connect the Body, Mind, and Spirit to feel whole. Our personal patterns of becoming the highest versions of ourselves involve Growth, Expansion, and the Journey that eventually becomes the story and legacy we leave behind. It is also the number indicating time – past, present, future, birth, life, and death. If you look at the patterns of 3 in your life, you may discover the lessons you were being called to learn so you could live more fully in Harmony, Wisdom, and Understanding. You might enjoy a little life review session looking for patterns in 3s that either held a disintegrating pattern for you or an enlightened pattern that helped you up out of dark places.
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