Today, we're going to talk about your one job.
We literally have one job: to create the things we want in our lives, to become the people we want to become, and to fulfill the measure of our creation. But we sure do overcomplicate things.
We really like to get into all the details and manage every aspect of our lives rather than simplifying in order to keep the stress low and the fun high.
When I say fun, I'm talking about the enjoyable things, like earning money, having a full bank account, enjoying your relationships, and finding more ways to love than not.
I'm talking about reading a good book or investing in a food program.
So, food shows up on your doorstep, and you're super excited to have something tasty to eat.
I'm talking about fun things like noticing that you're waking up with purpose and exercising because it feels good.
When our stress is low, we're more likely to do what is within our power to create more good things in our lives.
If we're overwhelmed by life, it's because we're asking for more than we're allowing for. That is the definition of overwhelm.
I'm going to cram more stuff into my new year than I ever made room for. Sound familiar?
I'm talking about more than just New Year's Eve goals.
I'm talking about spring. It's like we're going to love in life.
We're going to get outside. We're going to do more in nature. But you haven't really made space for it.
You're still working full-time, taking care of your kids, or dealing with an illness, and you've got to pay attention to that.
We're like, man, I'm not even living anymore. I'm not getting the stuff done.
Some of us are even in the middle of managing relationships where there's manipulation and control and the really tough stuff to figure out, like, why do I feel crazy?
We're still not living, right?
But if we simplify the management intake. We have to manage everybody and everything, but not so.
First of all, it's impossible.
Second, it's not your job. Your one job is to manage the who, what, and why.
Then you have to lean heavily on your higher power here because you are seen, you are known.
We don't act like it. We act like we are it, and if we don't make it happen, then it's just not going to happen. But that's not true.
I used to micromanage my life so much that I was everything to everyone all the time, and it's like, woo, burnout showed up big time.
If you're not interested in being burned out, feeling overwhelmed, or creating more stress for yourself, then we need to scale this back. We gotta simplify.
If you're in charge of your who, what, and why, then who will you give the how, when, and where? Right?
If we're like, oh, this is what I want, and this is how I want it, and this is why I want it. The only thing that is yours is knowing why, of course, you have to get to; that's the driving motivator. Right?
That's the dream. That's the I have this in my life, which I don't love.
I want that in my life because I know I'll love it more.
That's the why; you got to know why you're motivated. But, the “who” is you. The who is always you.
In the last episode, we talked about the pitfalls of manifesting.
You're the only one, the common denominator, right? You're the one in the way.
If you're in the way, nothing happens.
If you're out of the way, it all happens.
Again, this is just one more step in understanding how to make it happen.
We don't make it happen; we allow it to happen.
There's a difference.
Can you tell the difference between an effort to make something happen and allowing it to happen, which is just really being simple, being fun, being interesting, and being yourself rather than trying to be everything to everyone all the time to make things happen?
That's a lot of work.
You can feel it, right? You know where this fits in your own life.
But when you're just allowing the how, when, and where to show up and trust that it will, you only have one half of the equation to pay attention to.
That's your one job, is your half—the who, what, and why.
So, who is you? The “what” is your desire?
I want more because I know I'll feel better for having it. What's the more? What is that? Is it a new cell phone? Is it a different relationship? Is it a new job? What is the more?
That's the “what and why” do you want it? You have to keep that one in mind because it's gonna make you feel good.
When you talk about what makes you feel good, you rant as if it's already happened.
Let's say you want to lose weight. A better body and a better health program will really make you feel good.
You've tried dieting, and you've tried these sayings, and they're on, and they're off, and they're sporadic, and you're like, when's it going to happen? Where, like how? How will I get it done finally, once and for all?
Well, that will be the frustrating part because you can hear that just asking those questions feels frustrating. But if you're like, okay, I am the common denominator about what I do attract and what I don't attract.
Even when you attract things in your life, is it the stuff you want or the stuff you don't want? You're the common denominator there.
We talk about that based on the thoughts that you're having that what you focus on grows.
That was the last episode, episode 11; you're going to really decide, are you the reason you're not getting the things you want?
This is episode 12, so we're moving on to a new concept: Do I want it? Yes. Have I asked for it? Yes. Do I think I can get it? Eww. How do you really feel? Yes or no on that one? But the why is going to take you to the yes.
If you're like, well, why do I want it? Well, because I just want it. It's okay just to like it. You don't have to have this big reason to justify it.
You never have to justify your wants. You can have it because you want it. Because it's gonna make you feel better. Because it's going to help you grow. Because it's going to just uplevel your life.
It's going to uplift your spirits. It's going to increase your mental capacity to have more fun in life. Whatever it is that you want, you can have it. The answer is yes.
That is one of the biggest misconceptions, is that while we can't have things we're not supposed to have, well, that's not true.
You can have all kinds of things that really aren't good for you.
When you ask for something, the answer is yes. Usually, we're talking about asking for things that make us feel better.
If the answer is yes, then you're the variable. Are you going towards it or away from it? And the “why" will get you closer to it than further from it.
When you're talking about the why, we started on the analogy of having better health and confidence that your health will allow you to do everything else.
When you have your health, everything else is possible.
When you don't have your health and you have to scale it back to take care of the nuances about your body that are not functioning properly, they keep you out of the game, so to speak; yeah, not everything is possible.
That's why I'm choosing this topic, not because it's a weight loss topic.
Let's say you want better health. You're like, man, why do I want better health? Well, because I'm suffering by comparison. Ooh, how does that sound? How does that feel? Feels heavy, right?
But if you're really using why correctly, you're going to be talking about why it's going to be in your best interest.Well, because I'm going to feel more like myself.
My inside and my outside are going to match. I could be young, useful, and capable on the inside, but the outside does not look like my inside.
I'm going to match inside and outside. I'm going to be more able-bodied, more engaged, and more confident.
I am going to really test my skills and get out there and do something that is going to maybe push me outside my comfort zone, and I'm really going to enjoy it; I'm going to be more engaged with my friends, I'm going to feel more creative, and I'll permit myself to do other things because I was holding back before.
You start talking yourself into a place that feels better, and that's really your only job.
So, who you are, get out of your own way, right? The answer to what you want is yes, and why you want it is because it will make you feel better, but you have to know how it will help you feel better.
But how it manifests is not your job.
When it manifests, it is not your job; where it manifests is not your job.
You're just being you because it's who you are, how you live, and what you do. What it is is the what of your behavior, right?
When I lost eight dress sizes, it wasn't because I felt small or because I had lost confidence.
It wasn't because I had low self-esteem or because I felt ashamed to be around the other moms. Even though all those things were present, that wasn't the what.
Who I was felt young and youthful, energetic and optimistic, and I really missed that about my outsides.
What I wanted was to feel confident again, to make myself a match, to be congruent, and to have personal integrity with myself.
I'm out of integrity when I promise myself to get fit and don't keep that promise.
I really wanted to push my personal values and put them to the test. That was the” What” about getting my health back.
The “why” was because I could really embrace my wholeness. I would feel, what's the word, authentic?
I would feel much more authentic because there was just too much shame that I was hiding for being inauthentic about my inside and outside not matching.
Those were my who, what, and whys. And why?
Because I want to move, because I wanna have fun because I want to feel unburdened. I want to feel light. Those were all the asks that I was making to the universe.
What did I do about it? I just started embodying those things. I lined up with it.
I got connected to my who, what, and why, and that was my only job.
When it showed up, it was not my job. How was it going to show up? It was not my job.
Where it was going to show up, it was not my job. I didn't even know.
I wasn't in fitness at the time. I was just a stay-at-home mom that was giving everybody all the attention, and I put myself on the back burner.
When I finally got involved in my job, it was not overwhelming. I was not managing the scale, and I was not managing the food and trying to eat less of it.
I was just eating, and I was like, well, it's not rocket science to eat vegetables and proteins. It's just not.
It's very easy to find in grocery stores. It was very easy to put on our plates, and it was very easy for me to consume it. Very easy. That's how you know you're in your lane.
You're in your who, what, and why because it's easy. It's not overcomplicated. It doesn't increase your overwhelm. It doesn't add stress. It was just easy.
We were going to eat all day anyway. I used to eat chips, cookies, and some good meals, but there was a lot of late-night cereal and stuff like that.
If I'm going to eat anyway, then it's no extra work to make it healthy versus unhealthy, right?
I was living in my lane, and I would just like, what sounds fun? What sounds interesting?
I'll put on my running shoes and my spandex and put my jam and music in my ears, and I'm going to go outside and get some fresh air.
I started sprinting around the blocks.
If you listen to my intro story, I wasn't really sprinting. I was lumbering around the block, but it was where I started, and it felt good.
Every day, I just let it be what it was. It was simple. It really simplified things.
I had it done before the kids got out of bed. I didn't worry about it and obsess about it all day long, going to bed and going, yep, I didn't do my workout today. I didn't worry about it anymore.
I made time for it. It fit easily into my schedule because I made sure that the kids got in bed so I could get in bed, get up early, and go work out before anybody got out of bed.
I made my system work for me. I made space for myself. That's probably the biggest part of what is making space for yourself because it allows the why to be possible.
Then, it also allowed the other half. Your body will do what you tell it to.
If you eat yucky stuff, your body will look fluffy. However, if you eat protein, vegetables, and nutritionally dense foods, you have no choice but to shape up, especially when you add intense exercise.
When I say intense, I'm talking about 30 seconds of intensity, which anybody at any age in any condition can do because it will be at your pace. Right?
We're not talking about an elite athlete, the mentality of an elite athlete if you're deconditioned.
I'm talking about you in the state you're in that trying to sprint for 20 seconds or less is going to be intense. That's the intense exercise because it feels intense to you, right?
When you're doing those things, like the how, when, and where, they just manifest; they literally show up. You figure out how because you're like, well, what would be fun for me to do?
The exercise program you'll follow will work.
You might be wondering, what would be interesting for me to do? I chose to walk outside. I loved it. That's how you know you're doing it right.
You love it. It's sustainable. It's something you'll keep doing.
I did that for six months. It really paid off. The when it happened, I had no preconceived ideas about when. I didn't even care anymore.
I was like, I'm being me. I'm living my best life. I've created space for myself, and I know why I created space for myself.
Then, the only thing to do was to keep doing what was fun. I did it. It was fun for me. I'm not a runner by nature.
That's not fun for me long distance, but short sprints and a high heart rate and recovery and high heart rate and recovery. That was fun for me because it didn't make me feel like I wasn't doing anything.
The high heart rate told me I was just because I didn't go six miles. Six miles is not the benchmark if it's not fun for you.
You have to do what's going to work for you. I just kept doing it.
When my fat loss showed up, it was about the six-month mark. That's not to sugarcoat it because it took another six months after that when I discovered how to add muscle to my body using some weights.
It was nothing less than a year, which is a real expectation. It is in about a year, but I didn't know that then, so I wasn't worried about when it would show up.
The how was just making it self-known to me day by day according to my consistency.
I didn't know if I would get a slimmer waistline. It showed up everywhere, on my body and in my life, meaning I was confident in most aspects of my current work.
This preceded my awakening in 08 when I had to get a job, and my career found me because I didn't have a career at the time, but I was confident in the things I was doing currently in my life as a stay-at-home mom, homeschooling my kids.
The universe, if you will, the natural laws of attraction showed up in the how, when, and where, and I had to trust.
Trust that if I were just to be me and get what I want in life, I would remember why I was doing it. I was doing it to set a better example for my kids. That was probably the original biggest why.
It's like I got five sets of eyes watching me.
How will they know how to take care of themselves if I don't do it in front of them?
My reasons for being a parent were my kids, but my other reasons were that I needed to be congruent with who I am on the inside and how I look on the outside.
It wasn't about size, even though when I got married, I liked my size because I felt it was a true reflection of my personality, characteristics, and total self.
But because I needed to remember the how, when, and where, I ended up much smaller than when I got married, and I wasn't trying.
There was no trying. It was effortless. I was just doing what I loved, and it was easy.
Think about the times in your life when you just did what you were and what you loved. You were really engaged in it. You didn't necessarily write down the who, what, and why.
You didn't really write down the how, when, and where. You just did something because it felt good and was super easy, right?
Even just going out to the store and you're like, this thing that you wanted for a really long time just appears, and you're like, snap it up.
It was so easy; you didn't go looking for it, you didn't obsess about it, you just let yourself be who you are, what you are, and the what you wanted showed up because you wanted it.
Sometimes that's the only why you just wanted it. You knew it would make you feel better.
It's funny how things just appear.
When it's easy, it's because you're not trying to manage the whole thing. You're just a co-manager. You're just taking care of your half, the who, what, and why.
And the rest, you have to give it away and let it just show up.
That is the rule of manifesting. It's not magic. It's not being lucky. It's not even a coincidence.
It's literally letting go of the massive effort it takes to manage all of it and simplifying, reducing the overwhelm, reducing the stress, and you just find yourself having fun, and things are just easier.
That is the hallmark of manifesting; it was easy. You were enjoying your life, enjoying yourself.
Getting congruent with who you are and what you want and it just shows up.
When I say it just shows up, my health didn't just show up the next day, but according to the law of attraction, it showed up eventually because it didn't have a choice.
I was doing all the things that fit people to get fit. Fit people were once deconditioned.
We tend to see the finished product, right?
They're fit, and you're like, oh, when will I get there? We want it tomorrow. We want it yesterday. That's not realistic.
It overwhelms you and creates stress. But if you act like a fit person every single day, fitness does show up, but you don't get to dictate when, where, and how.
You're only taking care of yourself in the day that's been given to you. Does that make sense?
Think about the things that you want and how you want to manifest them.
You don't get to manage the how, when, and where. It will show up if you act in line with what you want. It cannot stay away from you.
It must show up in your life when you're just who, what, and why all day long. I'm just being me. I know what I want, and I know why I want it, and it all makes me feel good.
It's effortless because I'm not trying anymore. I'm not trying to manage steps, the scale, and how it makes me feel about myself, whether good or bad, right or wrong.
That's just brain damage.
Just calm down, take a deep breath, and enjoy your life.
The good things will show up. You do not have to try them; they will easily come to you.
Now, it's time to put that into practice. Let's get going, and let's get living.
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