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Teresa Ford • May 9, 2024

Blog Post #18

Understanding Your Thoughts -

Make Your Beliefs Work For You

#stressrelease #traumarelease #stressrelief #somatichealing #sympatheticnervousystem #rest #relaxation #overstimulated

We are going to talk about the very first segment out of 10. 

The first segment that you need to know when you are working with beliefs that are no longer working for you is to understand that there is a triggering event or circumstance that you've just experienced. 

If you have negative emotions
, you've just experienced something that is not working for you, meaning it may not be that somebody wronged you as much as the thought you're having about how they wronged you or what they did that you didn't like or that it was a mirror projection of what you don't like about you. 

When something happens, and negative emotion is produced, you have a thought, and it's not working for you because the ultimate goal here is to feel better and feel good. 

You have to figure out what's not making you feel good. 

If you're looking around at the world and not happy with who's in charge, how it's being run, and who's doing what,
what you're thinking about is causing you the most stress.

This is a stress reduction exercise. 

It's turning your beliefs and thoughts around to work for you. 

Your beliefs are just habits of thought, and you develop them over a long, long period of time. 

It wasn't just yesterday that you developed a belief system.
You have operated by your family's belief system for a very long time. 

Even if you disagreed with it, you've still spent quite a bit of time focused on it.

It's that mantra that we say: I'll never be like my mother. Well, you're going to be like her because you're focused on how you're not going to be like her. 

This means you're focused on what you don't like about her, which brings more of that to you. And you find yourself acting like her. 

That's why we find ourselves going, oh my gosh, I think that was my mother talking when I opened my mouth. 

You are going to be like the person you don't want to be if you're focused on how not to be like that. 

That is just a belief system that there was something wrong and you didn't like it.

You don't want to be anything like it, and so we have to turn it around to make it work for you, meaning you can be unlike that without looking at what it's like to be unlike that. 

I know, it's getting convoluted. Let's dive in. 

Describe the triggering events or circumstances. That is number one. 

I was fine until fill in the ______, and it just made me so mad that I ________. 

It might be that you had a circumstance like, I was fine until somebody barged in on me and interrupted my free time again, and then I just shut down and stopped doing what I wanted to do. 

Then now you're being a victim, and now you're going without, and now it feels like people are invading your space, and you hate it, okay? 

You have to fill in these blanks.

I gave you starter sentences, things that could trigger a thought. 

If you can't come up with it on your own, you're free to do so. 

Then, you'll fill in these blanks to help you realize how you were really feeling about that event or circumstance that triggered negative emotion, even if it was superficial and mildly annoying. 

This will still help you understand that you continue to get more of what you think about, and that's why we've got to organize your thoughts so that they are strung together to form your beliefs. 

We have to make your beliefs work for you, right? 

Hopefully, this worksheet will help you break this down a little at a time because the hardest person for you to see is you. It really is. 

Filling in these blanks will help you get some clarity here. Okay.

Another one of the starter sentences is, every time I ______, and I can never _____, no matter what I do. 

Fill in those blanks. 

Every time I ask for some peace and quiet or need time off. 

I can never get heard, understood, accepted, whatever. I'm just not being heard or accepted. 

No matter what I do, you'll be frustrated, right? 

If it's causing you frustration, that's usually because your needs have gone unmet. 

Many times, when we have triggering circumstances, those are needs going unmet. 

Our thought process brings more of those to us because we keep trying to prove that we're right. I know, it's subconscious. 

It's hard for you to see this until we go through this worksheet together. 

But it's really important for you to see that your thoughts can work for you and they can work against you. 

You'll get more of what you don't want if that's what you think about. 

You fill in those blanks in the best way that works for you. 

I was so tired and just wanted _____, but then ______.

I was tired and wanted a nap, food, peace, or to stop talking about that subject. 

Then something happened, and you didn't get your needs met. Okay, fill in those blanks. 

Take your time. Be thoughtful.

All right, next segment, segment two. Name the fear and personal need you believe has been ignored or will go and meet again. 

The examples I give are love, acceptance, support, understanding, and acknowledgment.

There's a lot going on there, and many times, we leave it up to other people who are also having a hard time in life and are struggling. 

We leave it up to them to do those things for us. 

Let me just give you a heads-up here. 

It is your job to do these things, which is why they're going unmet: you need to meet your own needs.

Sometimes we're like, yeah, but I want my parents to finally be proud of me, or I want my boss to understand I'm overworked and underpaid, or I want my spouse to just surprise me for a change and do something nice for me, and because I'm always doing that for that person. Right? 

If those are things that you think are putting your personal power out there in the world, hoping somebody knows what you need more than you do, you're going to be disappointed. 

That's why your needs are going unmet. 

Sometimes, in childhood, we were conditioned to believe that we couldn't get our needs met. 

If you were raised the old-fashioned way like I was, and it was your parents' way or the highway, you didn't have a choice. You didn't get to say what you needed to say. 

If I ever breathed incorrectly, I was told I was being disrespectful.

When I really did have a voice, and we could have communicated, even though I didn't have to agree with my mom and she didn't have to make herself 100% clear, there needed to be some communication, but there was nothing left but frustration.

Also, if you've ever had to gaslight in your life like I have, you will hear people say, well, you don't know what you're talking about, or you're not hurt; get over it.

That is gaslighting. It is inappropriate. It is on the side of emotional abuse. 

If that's happened to you, there is a good chance you felt confused. 

You felt like you couldn't meet your needs because you didn't know what you were discussing, and you learned not to trust yourself. 

Again, it's okay if you've been waiting for others to improve your life. But you have to also understand that that's not going to make your life better. 

You're not waiting for them. 

When you do this for yourself, it's nice if they think of things for you.
It's nice if they do something out of the ordinary that they think you would like. But it's not necessary. 

Because you'll know you're doing a good job when they say, " Hey, good job. You're like, yeah, thanks. Because you already know it. 

It's not like, oh my gosh, it's about time you noticed. Because that, again, breeds more negative emotions. 

This is your work. This is the foundation of your work right here, is to get your personal needs met. 

But until you know how to do that as we go through this, you'll get more clarity as we go, okay? 

You wanted to know about that particular event. 

For example, you can list six events, but you're going to do all ten of these segments for each of those six events. Does that make sense? 

You'll get clarity on what each of those six events meant to you because it was a habit of thought that triggered a false belief. It's a belief system that you think is true. 

You've been operating as though it's true, like, my spouse should know what I need. Do you think that's true? 

It's false because every time it doesn't happen, you feel negative emotions. That's how you know it's a false belief you think is true. 

We're turning these around so that your thoughts turn into beliefs that are true, and they do work for you because you feel better and you're not waiting on everybody else to do that for you, okay? 

All right, so name the fear or the personal need that you believe has gone ignored or will go unmet. 

You might say to be loved and appreciated, but I just wanted recognition and a thank you. 

My basic need was to get some rest, so I used my voice to say I needed it, establish a boundary, and let others know that I was not available until this certain time during the day. 

I felt that I couldn't have blank. Fill in those blanks, and if you think of any of your own, write them all down. Any that you come up with on your own will give you clarity. Okay.

Section three. List negative thoughts in order of disintegration. 

Now this one's a little trickier because you're like, well, it just made me freaking mad.

Well, okay. You disintegrated through a few other emotions. You can Google the emotion scale online. 

There's an emotion scale out there that gives you all the emotions so that it can put words to how you were feeling. 

If you go from anger to pride, resentment, hate, guilt, grief, fear, insecurity, and then overwhelm, that's a disintegration pattern. 

Anger's got some fight. 

Overwhelm falls into the despair and helplessness category. There is less energy. 

Those are worse places to be for you for any length of time if you're down there in fear, insecurity, overwhelm, despair.

Those are much lower energetically than guilt, hate, resentment, pride, and anger; they go up the scale because they have much more energy behind them, even if they're negative. 

What I want you to do here is list negative thoughts in order of disintegration. 

First, the thought that came to me, to mine, was, ah, I can suck it up, I'll be all right. 

Then I just knew I couldn't get the rest I needed, and I had a lot yet to do because of this person's emergency, which has now become my emergency. 

I just thought, never mind, I'll never feel rested, I'm just going to have to go without, and I might as well just not even go to sleep tonight and try and get more done on less sleep because it's just freaking annoying. 

If you work through this and you can find all those adjectives that describe exactly your emotions and how you are feeling, that will become clear. 

It may turn into a journal entry. 

I'm warning you now, as you start talking about this and you start laying down how you feel about something, how wrong it was, how unfair it was, how frustrating it was, or that it's a repeating pattern forever and ever. 

You'll never seem to break the cycle. 

If that is what's coming up, just keep writing. 

Do not limit yourself to just filling in the blank unless that's all that's coming to you, and I'm pretty sure it's not. 

I would wager that more of that venting is there for you to write about. 

Venting is not a bad thing.

Sometimes I would vent with the end of my pen, holding it in a fist, and I would just scribble as hard as I could, break through ten pages on my notepad, wrinkle them up, and throw them all away because I just didn't have the words. I was just too mad. 

Whatever's coming up in you, some of these things have been there for decades, and other things are superficial, but they're still a little annoying, and you'd like to do something about it. 

Whatever comes up, it's not right, it's not wrong, it just is. 

Write it down and get clear on the negative thoughts in order of disintegration. 

You started out in one place, and then it just got more and more irritating that you thought about it as the day went on. It snowballed into a massive full of ice cream and a resolution, and you'd never talk to that person again. 

Whatever your thoughts were to start with, they were less, they had less of the negative energy with the very first impression you had, and they always snowball and get bigger unless we do something about it. 

See if you can list how you were feeling in order of disintegration. 

Section four lists false beliefs. Okay, this one is tricky. I admit it. 

A false belief is something that makes you feel negative emotions. 

We may think it's true that people should be nice no matter what, even if they're having a bad day. I don't treat you that way; you don't treat me that way. 

That is a false belief because you don't get to control the other person. Does that make sense? 

If you're like, well, I believe, or it's clear that I can't. 

You fill in those blanks with long sentences. 

I believe people should be nice no matter what because I would never do that to them. 

If that's the belief that triggered all of this, that was part of that trigger event; it's a false belief because you don't get to decide if they're going to be nice or not. 

You can't control free agency in someone else's world. 

If they lose control of themselves and they treat you or say something unkind, it's not about you. It's about their hard life. Does that make sense? 

You're taking things personally. Just keep working with this; just work through this. 

I felt ____ because I had to ____in order to____, and I couldn't do that, so I just ______. 

Fill that in with all the words you can think of. 

I felt frustrated because I had to suck it up in order to not create a fuss, and I couldn't do that because they were already on the warpath, and they created a fuss anyway, and I was to blame. 

Whatever comes up for you. 

I'm just giving you some examples of how that frustration can be. Identify the parts of your sentence structure that really identifies the false beliefs and circle those circle them because I had to suck it up; that is a false belief. 

You do not have to suck it up if you're a people pleaser. You will suck it up. 

You have been sucking it up, and it's exhausting, so we people pleasers have got to rewrite those belief systems because you can be kind, but you don't have to take other people's crap. 

You can still be kind and don't have to take anything other people say personally. 

You can still be kind and set a good clear boundary; that's true. 

It will make you feel better, meaning you will find relief from the negative emotions you feel about other people always dumping the crap on you, and you will feel better. 

It's like, you know what? I can still be me—a nice, kind, empathic person—and have compassion for what somebody else is doing without taking away from me. 

Number five, section five. List the needs you need met, and feel free to make several statements about one or more of those needs. 

I need to____ when I _____ so I don't feel so______.

I need to speak up when I feel somebody is trying to manipulate me or control me so I don't feel so _____. Used, unappreciated, frustrated. 

I just want to blank when I'm tired. 

The fact that you want it means you can have it, although you may have to reorganize things.

I tried to exercise when I had five kids under 13, but I didn't have time. 

I was homeschooling them. I made time because I reworked their bedtime routine to make sure that they got in bed sooner, and I got in bed sooner so that I could get up because the only time a day I had to exercise really by myself without interruption was between five and six in the morning. 

If I were going to get out of bed at five o'clock regularly, I would have to do something different, and my husband would not be able to help me with that. 

He was just overworked, overloaded, and too tired on his own merit to help me with my problem. It was up to me to fix the problem, and I decided how I wanted it done.

I didn't have to be mad at everybody for not going to bed sooner when I didn't do anything about it. I did something about it. They were in bed. I was in bed. 

I got up at 5, worked out, and lost eight dress sizes in six months. 

Yahoo! I mean, it's up to you.
You've got to do the work to make your life the way you want it. 

This is just another example of figuring out what needs you want to be met. 

I need ____ when I am____. 

I need rest when I am tired. I need to go to bed when I've had it for the day. Whatever you need, you can have it. 

You wouldn't want it if it wouldn't make your life better, right? Okay. 

Section six. Take your time in each of these sections. 

Remember that there is no hurry. You don't have to keep up with the audio. You can put me on pause and then jump back in.

List the evidence that does not support the fear-driven thought listed in the disintegration column. List the evidence that does not support it. 

If you're over there in the listing, your thoughts are in order of disintegration. 

You've got to look around the room, quote-unquote, the world, your environment, whatever, your family line, and find the evidence that does not support the fear-driven thoughts listed there. 

They're fear-driven because they produce negative emotions.

If they were love and light-driven, they would produce positive emotions. 

Anything related to fear—fear that you can't get your needs met, fear of speaking up, or just feeling put upon without any reprieve—is fear. Okay? 

In section three, list the negative emotions in order of disintegration. You've done that.

Now, in section six, I need you to go back and work through these sentences: I see others _____, which tells me I could also_____. 

I see others going to bed early, which tells me I can figure out how to do the same. No one actually said I had to ______. 

Whatever is in your third segment.
Your third section, whatever's in there, write according to what you wrote there so you can stay on the same thought process, okay? 

I always thought I had to ______, which made me feel so _______, but if that makes me feel _______, negative emotion think is true, then ______ would be the opposite of my beliefs, and I could try to blank instead next time this happens. 

Can you see that you're coming up with your own solution there? 

If you can go back and identify those negative thoughts that you're having and then transform them into, okay, this is what I've been doing. 

It's not working for me because I always get the short end of the stick. 

Next time, I could do this because I can actually have the things I want. I can have them. They're mine if I want them. 

Okay, that will help you understand what has been holding you back and how to get more of what you want. 

Next segment is number seven. Give yourself permission to meet your needs and wants. 

I tell you, it's taken me years to do that, but I'm giving you permission to do it now so that you don't have to spend years like I did, hoping and wishing someone would save you or rescue you or give you permission, or tell everybody to back up for a second and give you a breather. 

I had to work myself.

I'm a very sensitive, helper-oriented person. I'm also an enneagram if that means anything to you. 

I'm a helper by nature. I love to help, but I also want to be appreciated. 

That's my motivation for helping, which is not necessarily the right motivation for a helper because not everybody will appreciate you.

I have learned to help because I love it. 

I only help when I'm the motivator behind it, not because I need somebody else to give me appreciation, right? 

I'm also an empath. I really pick up on other people's feelings, which is a strong trait of the Enneagram. 

If you haven't looked up your own Enneagram, google it. It's exciting. There are free tests out there. 

When you know yourself and why it's hard, you realize you were conditioned to believe you couldn't meet your needs. 

You're a sensitive person anyway because you've always been taught to care more about what other people think than what you feel about yourself. 

It will be tough to permit yourself to meet your needs and wants, but you can and don't have to do it by being angry. 

I can____ whenever I want. I can take a 10-minute timeout whenever I want. 

When you tell yourself that, you will find the logical places where that fits in. 

You'd be like, okay, if that's true because it makes you feel better to have permission to take a rest or to eat whenever you want, then you'll find, like, obviously, when you're in the middle of customer service, you're working or whatever, you're in the middle of a meeting or project that that's not the time to take a nap.

If you can take a nap whenever you want, you can schedule it. 

It's like, well, I'm not available between one and one thirty because I will be taking a nap, but I can see you at one thirty. 

I can meet with somebody at one thirty. 

You can reschedule your day to make it work for you. You do not have to excuse the expression, balls to the walls all day long. You don't have to do that. 

We're programmed to do that, but that's not a requirement. Okay?

When I feel stuck, I will ____instead of panicking. I will say I _______ and when I don't, meaning I say when I take a rest and when I don't, when I get to eat and when I don't.

 I will listen to my intuition first. 

There is a really big shift here. It's shifting. 

Can you feel it shifting? 

You can feel the energy shifting because you're not having to go without anymore. You're on point. 

Section 8. Name the boundaries that have been crossed or the boundary that needs to be in place, right? To give you clarity and support for your needs to be met. 

If you need clarification about a boundary, go back to blog 14, where I explain how to set boundaries without being angry. 

You do not have to be angry. 

Boundaries are for giving you clarity, not for keeping people out. 

If you have clarity and you set those boundaries, especially when it comes to you, sometimes you're the one crossing the boundary. 

Suppose you set boundaries for other people, and you set boundaries for yourself, and you're absolutely clear on those boundaries.

In that case, you can feel when they're getting crossed because you get angry, upset, and frustrated. 

Those negative emotions mean that boundaries are missing in your life. You're either ignoring them or haven't set them yet. 

When that happens, it's time to do the obvious: set the boundaries. 

Go back to blog 14 to gain more clarity on how to set boundaries, when to set boundaries, and how to know when boundaries are out of whack. 

A boundary is needed when you feel negative emotions. Either you need to say loud enough or clear enough to people, or you're not saying I'm going to take a break; I am unavailable between one and 1:30, or I'll see you after 1:30. 

If you're not getting clear on that, or somebody's barging into your room and just taking over your time and not being considerate about your timeline and the things that you're in the middle of pursuing, again, it needs to be a conversation to set that boundary and get clear. 

It's like asking you to knock once softly on my door; if I choose not to answer, you'll have to wait. 

If I'm not here, you'll have to wait. I will get back to you as soon as I can. 

You don't have to be angry; you can just be clear. 

I have many clients who have experienced freeze mode in the past, and I'm one of them.

I'm included in the category of children who were blindsided, startled, or had some garbage going on. 

This startling thing happens in your nervous system when you're either in fight-to-flight or freeze mode. 

Sometimes, you get startled when there's a freeze going on inside of you. I know you know what that means. 

I actually get spots in front of my eyes. 

As soon as somebody barges in or there's a loud, unexpected noise in the house, I will get, like, my nervous system just goes to the roof, and I have a freeze response. 

I don't jump like, nor let's say, somebody that would be in fight-or-flight. 

I freeze and get a mini blackout with those black spots in front of my eyes. It's a terrible feeling, but because it's not external and nobody can really see what you just went through, they don't think twice about it. 

I have had to retrain my children to close the door softly. I've had to retrain my husband. It's like, give me notice before you barge in my door with all your exciting news. 

That feels terrible to me.
It's really painful, and I know you can't see or touch it, but I'm just telling you that doesn't feel good. I need you to be softer or quieter; it works. 

They want the best for you.
If you're around people that don't want the best for you, that's a totally different episode. Get out. Figure that one out, right?

It's very hard to get clear on this stuff if you're in the middle of a very toxic relationship. 

Even though you can make some progress, eventually, when you set those boundaries in place, the toxic people in your life will exit. 

They can't stay because they can't manipulate you or control you anymore.

You're not trying to control them anymore; it's no fun. 

They're like, well, this isn't fun anymore. I can't feel important in your presence because you're not afraid of me anymore. I guess I'm out. 

That's a really important element of setting these boundaries and getting clear on what boundaries are needed. 

You can tell that just negative emotion is like going back to section one. 

What was the trigger? 

If there was a trigger because a need went unmet, it means that a boundary needs to be clarified. 

If you say you're going to go to bed on time, so you can get up and exercise on that time, and then you renege on that at nine o'clock, ten o'clock, and you go and raid the refrigerator instead and stay up until you can't take it anymore, and then try and get up the next day and do more than what you've allowed for in your sleep patterns. 

That's going to be frustrating. 

You need boundaries around that. You need to figure out why you're frustrating yourself. 

It has to do with the thought processes attached to a belief system. Oh, if I start an exercise program, I never finish, so why start? 

If that's the belief system, it's a false one. It's not true, but your belief is true. 

When I start something, I never finish. That's not true. 

Maybe it was not the right program for you, or you were overwhelmed by how long it would take you to get fit. 

Whatever the thought process, you've got to figure it out. 

You've got to go back, retrace your thought steps, and figure out what thought you're having that is ultimately culminating in a belief that is not working for you. 

It's disallowing you to get your needs met. I need to be fit. 

When I say fit, I'm not talking about a competition body. I'm talking about health and wellness is like man; I like being me. 

I'm really comfortable in my body. It's not a size. It's a feeling. It's a way of being. 

You can tell when you feel healthy, and you can tell when you don't feel healthy. Okay, that's what I'm talking about.

Here we go, section nine, alternative thoughts that can improve the reliability of your beliefs. 

This is where you rewrite it again. You're going to reframe it again. 

If you've got those boundaries in place because you're rewriting the thoughts about what you can and can't have, there's not a single true belief out there that starts with; I can't have. 

The only true beliefs start with I can have. I can have it, I can do it, I can be it. 

Your alternative thoughts have to be the opposite of what you were doing before. 

Go back to those thoughts in section three and shift them again. Turn it around in your head. 

This also pertains to section six. Section six helped you turn it from a false belief to a true belief, helping you further understand it. 

If you're talking about the boundaries, that will also give you more clarity. 

You'll be able to dive deeper into the thought processes that will work for you from now on. 

I know some of you are like, I don't want the confrontation.

I don't want to have to because if I say it, they're going to have something to say back, and all you have to do is like, that's fine, you can feel that way about it. 

But this is what I need, and if you can't offer that, then we have no deal. 

You're going to have to figure out what that no-deal looks like. 

You have to make it work, and the alternative is that she can have a hard day, and I can still get what I need. 

I can find the things that make me happy, and I don't have to worry or hold emotional space for other people's feelings. Because you are actually not in charge of other people's feelings. 

You are not the space holder or the place holder for their emotions, reactions, or responses. 

They get to choose how they want to respond or react, and my guess is that if you're pulling the plug on something that they got to abuse you about, they're going to react poorly. 

They will kick and scream because they want their control toy back. They don't want you to take the joystick out of their hands. 

When you get clear and put your foot down, you're like, yeah, that's not going to happen anymore. Kick and scream if you need to. Go figure it out. 

That's on you, not on me. I'm going to do what I need to do. 

I made it sound easy, but when I told the kids we were going to bed sooner and had dinner an hour earlier. 

The homework routine is just after dinner, and the cleanup routine is going to happen sooner. We're all going to bed sooner. 

You'll all get an extra 30 minutes of reading time before bed. 

There's a bonus in it for them. They got not 10 minutes but 30 minutes of downtime and reading time. 

If they kept to the 30 minutes, they would earn another. 

Ten minutes of free time because we did homeschool, right? 

They would get to go to recess 10 minutes earlier than normal. 

When you make it work for you, there may be kicking and screaming. 

People aren't going to like it. It's changing, and they don't like change. 

They like the old you, or you might like the old you.


When you implement an early bedtime, you might kick and scream. 

Similarly, if you're trying to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your life, you might kick and scream about not getting to eat what you want to eat whenever you want to eat it. 

Be patient with that. 

Watch yourself move through these negative emotions because they're just a habit of thought that's kicking and screaming. 

They're like, we don't want you to think better thoughts. We don't want you to be more patient. We don't want you to get out of overwhelm. 

We want you to be in constant turmoil. Yeah, just watch it. It's okay. 

You can have those feelings. You can have those emotions. 

Just watch how it rolls through. Just let it roll through. 

It's like, yeah, I hear you, but I do want to do better for myself. 

We're still going to keep taking care of ourselves now. And pretty soon, that old thought habit will fall off because you're not really giving it the time of day. 

Instead, you get in bed sooner, get up, exercise, and eat more fruits and vegetables. You're just doing what you want to do because it feels better to you. 

You're not working for a size, you're not trying to impress anybody, and you don't have any deadlines because when do you finally arrive for health? Never. 

Your body constantly changes, so you should take care of yourself for the rest of your life. 

We never stop taking care of ourselves and then decide never to take care of ourselves again. 

You're relaxed, calm, and doing what you need to do for yourself, and your thoughts will shift. 

They will follow this new pattern of believing you can have what you want. 

Last but not least, section 10. What have you discovered about your thoughts and your beliefs?

This is just you sharing your discoveries with yourself. This is really important for you to see. It's like, man, I was operating by a false belief that really kept me frustrated. 

All this time, I thought that I had to do that. But it turns out I actually don't because I found evidence about how everybody else can have it. 

I guess it's true for me, too. 

Many people tell me it looks like everybody else makes it so easy. They can get what they want, and I don't understand why I can't have what I want. 

Usually, it's because of the thought habit that you've got to make sure you block yourself. 

You've got to make sure that you keep yourself stuck. You've got to play small, you've got to be quiet, you've got to suck it up, you've got to work harder, you've got to be exhausted, or it doesn't count, you've got to do hard things, quote unquote.


Whatever belief system you think is required of you is holding you back. 

You've got to make your beliefs work for you. 

As you go through this, you will discover so many thoughts and beliefs that you were like, oh my gosh, no wonder I have money issues. 

My parents were always talking about how broke they were. 

You're like, but I look around, and there are a lot of people who don't have money issues. They're like, yes, please.

We love money, and money loves us. It does the things it loves because it focuses on what it can have. Yeah, that's going to be you, too. 

You're going to figure these things out. 

Just put those things, your discoveries about the thoughts and the beliefs that are now turned around and you're like, hey, here's the truth of it. 

This thought makes me feel better. 

This belief system is something that I'm going to work on incorporating into my life. 

I'm going to be aware that this belief system is true for me, too. If it's true for everybody else who has the stuff that I want or is doing the stuff that I want to do, then it's true for you. 

There is no sifting of people or classes. 

We tend to think that I can't have the things that they have. 

That is absolutely not true, or it would make you feel better. 

True thought feels good. A negative thought does not feel good. That's how you know. 

Listen and lean on your emotions because they tell you: Are you aligned? Are your thoughts working for you? Are your belief systems working for you? Or are they not? 

I offer a free coaching session if you need further assistance on this. 

I always schedule between one and one and a half hours so we can get into the nitty-gritty. 

If you need help getting unstuck, if you need support, or if you need assistance, you can email me at 

Note: You can access the full blog content in audio versions on Spotify and YouTube. Happy listening! 🎧 




#stressrelease #traumarelease #stressrelief #somatichealing #anxiety #anxietytips #depression #nervoussysemhealing #depressionsolutions#traumahealingjourney#storedtrauma#somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #traumainformed

#somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #nervoussystemhealth
By Teresa Ford September 3, 2024
You are creative at the heart of who you are. You would rather be in charge of creating your life and deciding the who, what, and when of your daily schedule. When you discover your true self, you won’t be able to plow through every day like a drone, exhausting yourself with people pleasing or trying to meet unrealistic expectations in hopes of being valued and appreciated. Your inner genius is your spirit. She is love and light. She has so much to say, share, and experience. It would be a crying shame to keep her stuffed away, never to contribute her gifts and talents to the world, wouldn’t it? Your inner genius is very wise and wholly intelligent. If you take time every day to ask her questions to which you seek answers, she might surprise you with the creative ways she nudges you to be the unrestrained genius you have wanted to give you the answers to the test.
#anxiety #anxietytips #depression #depressionsolutions #cortisol #hormonehealth #hormonehealing
By Teresa Ford September 3, 2024
If you listen to your body, which is talking to you all the time, you will have a much better handle on your real needs and what are just coping strategies. You may feel like there is a void you can’t fill. Stop, breathe in three sharp breaths, hold for three seconds, and exhale slowly—repeat three times. When you tune in to your actual needs to get more sleep, start a project you’ve been putting off, or engage in a creative outlet and take action, you will avoid the frustration that comes with the myriad of ways we can find to procrastinate and become out of alignment with our true selves. With practice, it will become clear how to end cycles of procrastination that breed self-doubt and allow yourself to feel fulfilled, attuned, and complete.
#somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussystemhealing #nervoussystemhealth
By Teresa Ford September 3, 2024
A balanced and regulated nervous system supports not only your inner child, who needs you to stay with her when she feels insecure and afraid of the “situation” you might be going through, but it will exponentially change your outer world as you walk with confidence and assurance that who you are, as you are is the only person you can be. The real you is when you are simultaneously connected to your soul, your inner child, your intuitive guidance, and your body. Not a single part of you is being denied, ignored, or abandoned. Your body holds all of the past memories, good or bad, through the conditioning of the nervous system, and it just so happens that your spirit also lives in your body.
#anxiety #anxietytips #depression #depressionsolutions 
#traumaandsomatics #emotionalregulation
By Teresa Ford August 26, 2024
Are you feeling drained and stuck in a rut? Discover how a powerful morning practice can ignite creativity and sharpen intuition. Imagine starting your day with frequency music that resets your nervous system and fuels your resilience. Dive into visualization and intention setting to unlock personal growth and self-discovery. Elevate your high-frequency energy to spark inspiration and enhance your emotional well-being. Through mindfulness and automatic writing, you'll tap into profound insights. Embrace servant leadership and adaptability to transform your energy and conquer exhaustion. Tune into our latest podcast episode to learn how to flow seamlessly with life and turn your daily struggles into a vibrant, balanced existence.
#traumaandsomatics #emotionalregulation #somatic #confidence #confidencebuilding #meaningfuldialogue
By Teresa Ford August 26, 2024
Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a never-ending cycle of exhaustion despite your best efforts? It's time to tap into your expansive spirit and elevate your energetic frequency to break free. By addressing the impact of trauma on your nervous system, you can foster profound personal growth and embrace change. Start by reverse engineering your aspirations, conquering doubt, and resetting your nervous system through nurturing your inner child. Invite divine abundance into your life and find humor in the process. This approach will not only lift your mind to a higher state of being but also help you go with the flow of life and find much-needed relief from exhaustion.
#stressrelease #traumarelease #stressrelief #somatichealing #sympatheticnervousystem #rest #trauma
By Teresa Ford August 26, 2024
Your job has never been to do hard things. Your job is to find the way to doing challenging things more easily. Another way to say that is to let go of the resistance you added to the experience and let yourself find the more simple path. Imagine this: You're on a rowing boat, facing upstream, fighting against the current, thinking, “If I just paddle harder, I’ll get somewhere!” But there’s one caviat; all rivers flow downstream. Upstream padding is not what is needed most. Setting the paddle down and letting the current take you is easier. But, if it was that easy, everyone would be doing it. Haha
#stressrelease #traumarelease #stressrelief #somatichealing #somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystem
By Teresa Ford August 17, 2024
Your nervous system plays a crucial role in your overall well-being, and finding ways to calm it is essential for maintaining inner peace. Whether you’re dealing with daily stress or on a journey of healing trauma, it’s important to find practices that help you relax and reset. Discover how to calm your nervous system and make peace with gentle techniques for releasing tension and negativity. By taking time to calm your nervous system and release all stress, you create space for healing and renewal. Learn to let go of the past and embrace the present moment by learning how to calm your nervous system and release negativity. This process not only supports emotional balance but also helps you reset your nervous system and release stress, fostering a deeper sense of well-being. Allow yourself to experience the peace of a calm and balanced nervous system and take steps towards profound healing and tranquility.
#somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussysemhealing #nervoussystemhealth #trauma
By Teresa Ford June 5, 2024
In this transformative podcast, Teresa dives deep into understanding the inner workings of your nervous system, helping you heal from past trauma, and empowering you to live a life of emotional freedom and fulfillment. Get ready to reconnect with your inner self, nurture your emotional needs, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Tune in and let Teresa be your compassionate guide on the path to wholeness and empowerment.
#somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussysemhealing #nervoussystemhealth #trauma
By Teresa Ford May 24, 2024
We seek Emotional Freedom, but unless we are able/willing to give up emotional chaos, it will illude us, and we may never feel at peace and harmonic with the flow of life. This makes life hard. In this episode, Teresa Ford helps you identify the habits that must be abandoned in place of the thought patterns that can shift you from a state of negative emotion, such as anger, betrayal, disappointment, irritation, sadness, and grief, into a state of peace of ease. If you pick up a nugget of insight or two, please be sure to share them in the comments.
#somatic #somaticpractice #nervoussystemregulation #nervoussysemhealing #nervoussystemhealth #trauma
By Teresa Ford May 24, 2024
The Power of three is everywhere in our lives. It starts with God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost. Also, Christ rose on the 3rd day. Why 3? The number 3 biblically represents divine wholeness, completeness, and perfection. We spend most of our lives trying to connect the Body, Mind, and Spirit to feel whole. Our personal patterns of becoming the highest versions of ourselves involve Growth, Expansion, and the Journey that eventually becomes the story and legacy we leave behind. It is also the number indicating time – past, present, future, birth, life, and death. If you look at the patterns of 3 in your life, you may discover the lessons you were being called to learn so you could live more fully in Harmony, Wisdom, and Understanding. You might enjoy a little life review session looking for patterns in 3s that either held a disintegrating pattern for you or an enlightened pattern that helped you up out of dark places.
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