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Teresa Ford • May 9, 2024

Blog Post #10

Vision & Clarity Worksheet Guidance

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Vision & Clarity Worksheet Guidance: Setting Your Year Up for Success

Are you ready to get crystal clear on your goals, eliminate stress, and set yourself up for success? Then, let's dive into the Vision & Clarity Worksheet!

This worksheet is designed to serve as your guidepost throughout the year, helping you set goals and actually follow through with them. No more getting overwhelmed by New Year’s resolutions that fizzle out by February! Your year can start anytime—any month, any week, any day. If you feel stuck in July and need a fresh start, then July is your new January! Let’s go! 🚀

Why Vision & Clarity Matter

Life throws curveballs, and sometimes it feels chaotic. That’s okay! The key is focus. This worksheet gives you a back-pocket word—a word you can pull out whenever you need clarity. When faced with decisions, distractions, or doubts, your word will bring you back to your focus, helping you stay aligned with your vision.

This worksheet isn’t just about goals; it’s about creating a vision for your life and gaining the clarity to bring it to fruition.

You can download your FREE Vision & Clarity Worksheet Here. No strings attached—just a resource to help you thrive!

Step 1: Identifying Stress & Creating Awareness

Before diving into vision-setting, it’s crucial to pinpoint where stress is sneaking into your life. The worksheet includes a Stress Awareness Wheel covering areas like:

  • Career & Money 💰
  • Community & Relationships 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
  • Health & Wellness 🏃‍♀️
  • Fun & Recreation 🎉
  • Personal Growth & Spirituality

When stress is high, fun is low. We rarely have both at max levels simultaneously. This tool helps you pinpoint exactly where stress is coming from so that you can make shifts to bring in more peace and joy.

Step 2: Learning from the Past & Finding Your Mentors

Next, take a moment to reflect:

  • What are three of the most important life lessons you’ve learned?
  • Who are three mentors who have influenced your thinking?
  • Why were they impactful? What about their mindset or approach resonated with you?

Your mentors don’t have to be people you know personally—they could be authors, speakers, or even a character from a book who inspired you! Their influence gives you insight into what truly matters to you.

Step 3: Who Are You at Your Best?

Time to reflect: When you’re truly thriving, who are you? Use descriptive language and write it all down.

Then, break it down further:

  • Your Strengths: What qualities make you feel most you?
  • Your Passions: What excites you? What do you study or research for fun?
  • Your Core Values: What principles do you live by? What’s non-negotiable for you?

💡 Pro tip: If someone challenges one of your core values and you immediately feel defensive, that’s a sign that it’s deeply important to you!

Step 4: Choosing Your Word for the Year

Now, go back through your notes. Highlight words that spark energy and excitement.

  • Narrow it down to five words that feel aligned.
  • Reduce that list to two words that feel most powerful.
  • Pick ONE word that will be your guiding theme for the year.

This word will serve as your anchor—your compass. When life throws distractions and obstacles your way, this word will bring you back to clarity.

💡 Example: My word this year is EXPRESS—I’m focused on using my voice, creativity, and personal growth to share my message with the world. Everything I do aligns with that mission!

Step 5: Addressing Stress & Problem-Solving

Now that you’ve defined your vision, let’s tackle stress.

  • Identify three major stressors in your life right now.
  • Ask yourself: What’s the root cause? Most stress stems from feeling trapped, held back, or lacking freedom in some area.
  • Use solution-focused thinking. Instead of obsessing over problems, shift into solution mode.

Step 6: Visualization & Manifestation

Now that you have clarity on where you’re going, it’s time to feel it before it even happens. Visualization is a powerful tool for manifestation.

  • Meditate on what life looks like when you’re fully aligned with your vision.
  • Journal as if it’s already happening. Describe it in the present tense—not “I hope to…” but “I am…”

Your brain doesn’t know the difference between real and imagined experiences, so train it to expect success!

Step 7: Creating Your Mission Statement

Your final step is writing your personal mission statement:

  • I am… (Who are you at your core?)
  • Born to… (What is your calling or purpose?)
  • For the purpose of… (What impact do you want to have?)

💡 Example: I am pure, positive energy, born to share my optimism for limitless possibilities and lay hold upon every good thing.

When you’re feeling lost, stressed, or overwhelmed, return to this mission statement. It’s your North Star. 🌟

Final Thoughts

You now have a powerful tool to create clarity, direction, and purpose. This isn’t just about setting goals—it’s about becoming the person who naturally aligns with the life you desire.


You are capable of massive transformation.

You already have everything you need inside of you.

Your year starts NOW—whenever you choose.

🔹 Download your free Vision & Clarity Worksheet and schedule a session with me for personalized guidance.

Now, go make magic happen! 🚀💫

Note: You can access the full blog content in audio versions on  Spotify and  YouTube. Happy listening! 🎧 




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Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a never-ending cycle of exhaustion despite your best efforts? It's time to tap into your expansive spirit and elevate your energetic frequency to break free. By addressing the impact of trauma on your nervous system, you can foster profound personal growth and embrace change. Start by reverse engineering your aspirations, conquering doubt, and resetting your nervous system through nurturing your inner child. Invite divine abundance into your life and find humor in the process. This approach will not only lift your mind to a higher state of being but also help you go with the flow of life and find much-needed relief from exhaustion.
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By Teresa Ford May 24, 2024
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