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Teresa Ford • May 16, 2024

Blog Post #38

You Are A Powerful Spiritual Creator

#traumaandsomatics #emotionalregulation #somatic #confidence #confidencebuilding #meaningfuldialogue #confidentcommunication

I am so glad you're here. I love having conversations with you. 

If you're listening, there's a high likelihood we will put off the same vibes. 

You're always attracted to that vibrational energy you resonate with most. 

Because we are spiritual creators, we have limitless potential to do what we came here to do using our unique voices, perspectives, spiritual gifts, and history, which gives us a different outlook on life. 

We could stab at all the reasons why we are who we are, what we think we are, and where we believe we are. 

But the most important thing is to identify why we are. Because the why is in the spirit. It's the thing that gets us excited. It's what taps us internally on the heart and says, let's try that. 

Let's look that up, be curious, follow the impulse, and go here because it feels good. 

You're on a great path when something feels good to you. 

Good and God are the same, right? This is missing an O. 

If you're feeling good, that's where God is because God doesn't move. He said he is fast and immovable. It's usually us who slide closer to him or further away. 

When you're feeling good, you're being that spiritual creator. You were meant to be. 

I want to introduce the idea of pioneering. 

A pioneer is somebody who's blazing the trail. 

We all have that pioneer spirit. I don't mean pulling hand carts and camping in freezing temperatures. 

I'm talking about leading the way from when you entered the world. 

You were showing your posterity a better way. That's the goal, right? 

It's not perfect, especially since my entire childhood was fractured. It was just an attempt to survive the emotional neglect. That's all. 

When I say that's all, it's been years and years of unwinding that, and sometimes, I still have to stop and reset my nervous system because those untrue beliefs are still hanging around. 

As a spiritual creator, though, if you struggled with any of those things in the past, things that still come up, you still see negative patterns in your life with the relationships you're in, the jobs you're at, or the money flow that stops.

Whatever it happens to be, wherever your triggers or trauma or sadness or grief or loss or disappointments lie, there's a better way to handle your life, and that is to be the spiritual creator. 

Have you ever been unhappy creating something? That's usually a hard no. It's when we're not making that we're not happy because then we're just focused on the things we really don't want to grow. 

We're focused on the problem. We're focused on the people we can't control. 

We're still trying to hang on to life with an iron grip, and it's not working. 

But when we enter that flow of creativity from the spirit, because the spirit is just like light and love, you can't change that. It's in stone. 

You are light and love. 

You get to be the creator when you operate from being perfect, light, and loving. 

You get to be the pioneer. 

You're blazing trails. 

You're whether it's in taking the first step and being the artist you want to be. 

If it's modeling differently for your family, your children, even your grown children, because they're still always watching, or maybe it's taking a step out and writing that book or getting a step into that career shift that you've hoped you could do, wanted to do, or wasn't, or weren't sure you could do. 

The creator and you like, go for it. You have nothing to lose. 

Everything is about love. 

Nothing is about win, loss, or failure. It's not about that.

There is no such thing as a problem; we only think there is one. 

If we're troubleshooting from life, from up here, we're thinking about what could hurt us. 

The only thing that our brain has to work with is the past. 

If your brain is like, oh, well, this happened, and that happened, and this happened, and that happened, and now I need to watch out for those things so I don't step in the same hole again.

We always climb out of emotional holes because we're focused on what we don't want.

I don't want that to happen again, and I don't want those people to say that about me. I don't want that rumor going around, and I don't want to be judged if you're focused on what you don't want. 

You are not being a spiritual creator. 

You're giving all your power away, and your power is your energy and your focus. 

If you can become a spiritual creator from the inside, magic happens. That is the cream of the crop in this life because you're not troubleshooting life. 

You're not trying to avoid the toxic people or set boundaries every time you turn around. 

You're not doing those things because your creator self will keep you so far away from needing to set a boundary. Can you hear that? 

If you're playing around the boundary where it's needed, you're hanging out with people who need boundaries around them because you never need boundaries around healthy people. 

You only need boundaries around unhealthy people. 

If you are hanging around with people who need boundaries, you're really not living in your creative zone, and that creative zone comes from your spirit. 

When your spirit is on fire, it loves life; it does everything, goes for gold, and does what it loves—it's like being a little kid.

You can put any kid in the sandbox together, and they will make friends. 

They're just building sandcastles and moats and digging up and digging holes. They're just having fun. They're like, what can we do with sand? 

When we enter life like that, what can I do with the sand in my life? What if I did it this way? What if I did it that way? Like, Gosh, exercise and diet. 

Back in the day when I was like, eat, eat more, not less, eat nutritionally dense, not fluffy, exercise 30 minutes, not more, be smarter in your exercise, meaning include, incorporate rest into your exercise because you can definitely sprint harder sprint.

You can sprint harder when you're doing bicep curls, knowing your sprint will last between 10 and 20 seconds. 

Then you'll have to rest because you're out of breath or you've reached muscle failure. 

You incorporate that rest because you're expecting to have to rest. 

Then you rest as long as you need to, then you jump back into the workout and get your 10, 30 seconds of exercise done as fast as possible because you're trying to earn your rest. 

That’s like the creative genius that comes to you through the spirit. Your spirit's like, yeah, that was great. Yeah, oh, that makes sense. 

We would love to eat and work out like that. It would fit into my schedule, and that feels really good. 

There's some relief that we won't have to go to an hour-long Zumba class and come home. 

However, I don't know if we did anything that will make an impact long-term. 

You'll find what works for you if you're in the creative zone. It's not going to be complicated. 

It's just going to be playing in the sandbox. It's like, well, what can we do in 20 seconds in a workout? Let's try it. 

Maybe it's just a knee-jog or lying on your back doing scissor kicks. 

You're playing; you're discovering what you can do, what feels good, and what doesn't feel good.

You stop listening to the noise and the norm. 

The trends that are happening are like, well, that's a nice trend, and maybe it's working for you for 10 minutes or ten days. 

If it's not working for you at some point, don't keep doing it because you said, well, I was going to do this, and now it's not working. 

I still feel obligated to do it because I said I would. It's like, no, no. 

Then, you lose the creative genius in you. Right. 

The four points of understanding who you are are as follows: Who am I? It's who you think you are. It's the what, the emotional well-being. It's like, what do I think I am emotionally?

I have referred to myself as an emotional mess at times, and I'm never wrong. 

Sometimes, when you need to know who you are, you need to check to see who you think you are because if you think you're not doing well in life and you're a little slow, it will not feel good. 

The what is is going to suffer as well. But the why, the why you are, is in your spirit. It's the thing you're here to do. It's not just one; it's like ten things you're here to do to overcome the struggle. 

The part of you that troubleshoots all the problems and reacts to them, probably incorrectly. 

Then we have all that negative emotion or what is like me, and our brain is doing its ControlZilla thing. We're just not cohesively working together towards the why. 

When you understand why you're here, your spiritual needs will be met. 

When you have your spiritual needs met, you will have an arsenal. 

You have an entire toolkit complete with love. 

Just pop it in the old love toolbox, and now you can respond to life. 

We're not triggered anymore. 

We understand the elements of our spiritual talents, gifts, and coming to light. 

It's like, oh, I used to handle it that way, but if I handled it according to my spiritual gifts, I could handle it this way. 

It feels so much better because I'm not controlling, I'm not taking offense, I'm not judging, I'm not like all the nuts. You're not doing those things anymore. It just feels good. 

Good. Sliding closer to God. Right? Good in God is just missing an O. 

When you're feeling good, you are in that spiritual creator space because that's where God is, too.

He is a spiritual creator. Hence, our lives and our earth, our world. 

As you understand the who, the what, and the why, you will also understand where you are. That's on the physical plane. That's your body. 

Your body's telling you where you're at. Like, oh, you're hungry, that's where you're at. Oh, you're sleepy; that's where you're at. Oh, you have brain fog; well, that's where you're at. 

Your body's always telling you about its health, dis-ease, or dis-function; it's always telling you where you are. 

It always spirals back up to what you're thinking about. 

This creates emotion, and then we hold emotions in our bodies. 

Then the Y of our spirit, which is usually the thing we don't think about, is like, poof, we'll it's twiddling its thumbs going out. Okay. 

When you're ready, we'll just be over here. 

You can get out of the shadow response you always use to troubleshoot life and start living from your spiritual gifts. 

Everybody has unique gifts; some of mine are synergy. 

I'm here to be synergistic. 

I'm not here to create a business or to be a coach. 

That synergy is at the core of everything I do as a coach. Because synergy also allows me, one of my other gifts of the spirit I'm supposed to develop is expansion. 

When I am synergistically working with people one-on-one or in a mentorship group, I am fulfilling the measure of my creation because that synergy and that expansion are beautifully matching. 

That's how I know I'm living on purpose because the spirit comes in those conversations and those coaching sessions, and oh my gosh, it's the best thing I've ever experienced in this lifetime. 

It's just the spiritual. I don't know what to call it. I don't know if there's an earthly word that says that is the most magical thing I've ever experienced. 

Still, magical is not even good enough to express how my spirit feels when it's just soaring with this God energy, just the energy of the Spirit that flows through me as I am synergistically helping people who want to help themselves. It's incredible. 

I know my gifts, and I can also help you identify yours. 

But when you know your gifts, that you're here to conquer, develop, and magnify, you stop troubleshooting life, being annoyed, frustrated, dissatisfied, bored, alone, and lonely. 

You stop doing all those things and start taking off because you're like, Oh, now I know the difference between what's not working. 

I can do what will work. Let me just show you one more gift. 

One other gift that I have is the need to use determination to my benefit. 

Now you're like, Oh, well, everybody has determination. 

We’re all babies. 

We all determined that probably not going to crawl for the rest of our lives. 

We would like to walk. Yes. But not everybody has that gift of, Oh, if I don't know, I will definitely find out. 

That is the gift I'm here to use for my benefit. 

How do I do that? How do I develop it? It just happens to be how I also do my coaching. 

That if I'm not smart enough to know what everybody else needs, but the spirit is. 

When I ask, I also receive those answers. It's a gift for me because I say things I've never said before, and it's a gift for my client. 

They hear things they've never heard before, but they're the things. It just happens to be what they are ready to listen to. 

They're ready to contemplate it. They're like, wow, I've never thought of it like that before. 

It was pretty cool how it came through. 

When that happens, it's magical. But sometimes, if I'm off-point or my energy is a little disrupted, I don't have the answer right then and there. 

I'm like, whew, nothing's coming through right now. That's okay because that gift, I could be like, oh, I am not a coach. 

You let my client down. I should know everything, but I don't. 

No, I don't know because the gift is, but I will find out. That's the gift of determination. 

If I know that already about myself, then I am not. 

Worried about not having the answers.

I don't always have the answers, but I need to be patient and wait until they come at the perfect time. 

That's just one of the other things I know about myself. 

Knowing this helps me use my spiritual gifts to be a spiritual creator. 

I was born to be you, and now you have unique gifts. I am the person who helps you figure out what your spirit needs so that you can grow. 

If you're curious, wouldn't it be handy to have the answers to the test so that I'm not like, am I supposed to write a book? Oh, am I supposed to lie, those thin? Theygs are awesome. 

Our brains often choose those things because they sound interesting to us.

If something interests you, it's for you; you're not going to be interested in how to lay pipe in the ground if that's not interesting. 

You're not going to do that. You're not going to gook up how to lay pipe in the ground, but if learning how to paint an abstract painting, you'relike, wow, that sounds really fun and interesting. It's for you. 

There's a more significant, a more profound gift, and not everybody can identify it.

So they're like, why do I want to be a painter? What about my DNA, makeup, desires, hopes, wishes, and dreams make me want to do that? 

Then, you get into that more profound meaning. You go; you dive deep into your gifts. 

Those gifts help you stabilize your health. It's called your radiance, and your radiance is everything that keeps you healthy. 

Money keeps you healthy. 

Stable relationships keep you healthy, and being known, seen, and heard keeps you healthy. 

Everything that keeps you healthy shows up when you understand the spiritual gifts of radiance. 

Then you have to know your pearl. Your pearl is this prosperity in life. 

When you understand your spiritual gifts that bring perfect balance, I don't mean work-life balance; I mean balance in your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical planes. 

When you understand which spiritual gifts do that and bring you that level of prosperity, you will have a beautiful balance in all areas of your life. 

What can you do with that? What can't you do with that? That's probably the better question. 

Then you also have a genius. 

You have a spiritual IQ, an emotional IQ, and an intellectual IQ. 

What are you doing with those spiritual gifts? Do you know what they are? If not, and you're curious, we need to talk because how do you live life? How do you even live life without knowing what your spiritual IQ is? Yeah, I know. 

That stumps me because, for years, I was like, gosh, I wish somebody would just tell me who I am so I could get on with life and stop second-guessing whether my choices are right or wrong. 

I wonder if I've offended people, worry if I am having doubts about what I should be doing, a course I should take, whether or not to write a book, whether or not I have a voice, or if I have anything to say out there. 

Instead of troubleshooting that, I know without a doubt that doubt is in the background now.

Knowing who I am and what I'm here to do feels amazing. 

If I can help you do that so that you can be the spiritual creator you were born to be, you can stop troubleshooting life and spend your time making headway, having absolute confidence in what you're here to do. 

Hit me up. 

You can reach out directly at, or you can even apply for my mentorship, where I teach all of this to you, and you have an entire year to practice because you will be a different person four months later than you will be. 

When we first started together, four months after that, you will be a completely different person again. 

You're applying as you grow and learn, and life is offering you opportunities to practice who you are, what you are, where you are, and why you are all the time. 

You will not even be the same person in a year. I wouldn't be surprised if your body matched your inner glow—I wouldn't be surprised at all. 

That's one of the things that my clients say more often, like my body's changing, and we're not doing anything with diet and exercise. It's, like, interesting. 

What happens when you know who you are and doubt falls away? So does stress. 

I would love to work with you, but in the meantime, hopefully, I've put some ideas out there for you to listen to, think about, contemplate, and put in your journal. 

You'll hear yourself say things in your journal that you usually don't say or think about out loud because the spirit's coming through your body. It comes out of your pen. 

It's incredible how that works when you contemplate your spiritual gifts. So be that spiritual creator, and I will talk to you soon. 

Note: You can access the full blog content in audio versions on Spotify and YouTube. Happy listening! 🎧 




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