Sometimes, we think we must wake up and look forward to something more than another day.
Sometimes, we are like, I need something to be excited about and look forward to.
The fact that you opened your eyes, can we be grateful for that?
You open your eyes; there's something here for you.
There is something here for you to do.
I wanted to talk a little bit today about a trust fall.
When we trust that everything works for our greater good, we must put our money where our mouth is.
We must decide that if something falls away, if we are called to do something other than what we've been doing, or if we're called to do something that is a mission of our higher self, it's on purpose with our life path, and that we're willing to do whatever it takes.
Now, willing is interesting because it says you will use your free agency to choose a direction.
Decisiveness is different from willingness.
It is to decide that whatever comes, you're on board.
That's a lot of trust that goes into that.
You must trust that you're in the right place right now, even if you're struggling.
If you're receiving a prompting or an inclination to do something different than you've ever done before, do not discount it.
It's part of your personal expansion, and you have to trust it is the right thing to do.
Sometimes, it needs to make more sense.
You might wonder why you would do that. It seems like a wrong move.
If I'm supposed to spend money before I make money, or if I'm supposed to, I need to decide before I actually know the details of the situation.
What is happening in your life where you can see an opening, an opportunity calling you, and you have to double-check?
Am I resisting it, or will I just go with it?
Am I going to trust that the things I want, desire, and need to meet my needs are coming, and I have to let go of the outcome and the control so that the other things fall away?
It reminds me of what I'm trying to describe, like a landing pad in a rocket ship. NASA has a rocket out on the launch pad, with all the supports that go up around the rocket.
When their countdown happens, three, two, one.
What happens? Do the supports stay attached to the rockets? No.
The supports fall away as the rocket takes off. They don't fall away before the countdown happens—it's simultaneous.
The supports fall away, and the rocket launches into outer space. That's a trust fall.
It's interesting because that analogy is going in the exact opposite direction of what we think a trust fall is when we think of people standing behind us.
We lean back without looking to see if they will catch us and trust that they will.
That's a trust fall. It's also another means of launching yourself.
Letting things that are no longer there to support you fall away.
They're no longer there serving you.
If they stay there, you will not launch. You'll stay stuck.
If you are where you're supposed to be, in the here and now, you've done a lot of work.
You've sifted and sorted on a high level.
You've battled your way to where you are on many levels with persistence, intention, perseverance, deliberate thoughts and actions, and whatever it has taken to get where you are right now.
More is coming.
You have to trust that it's moving in your direction because you're calling it to you. It's coming.
You can't stay in a cycle of no growth forever.
You are here to expand and evolve.
Now, let me give you another little scenario from my own life.
At a time in my life, I felt unbeatable, unbreakable, unshakable, and confident.
Then, as I was thinking about where to take my business, how to improve my marriage, and the different things I wanted, all the support started falling away, which was literally my countdown.
I better start counting down because the supports are going to fall off.
It launched me in a direction that put me not at ease.
My certainty was removed with the support systems.
I found myself in an uncomfortable, unfamiliar situation, floundering in a quest to find out who I was and what my life path should be.
Sometimes, when we have a trust fall.
The engines we're not aware that the engines are firing. There's maybe a misfire. We're like, Oh my gosh, the supports are falling away.
Are the engines going to light in time for me to take off in this new direction?
Interestingly, you can do anything when you think you are competent, confident, and courageous.
Life is funny because it will pull some of the support legs out from underneath you.
They'll fall away, and you'll not even know that you're in the middle of launching a rocket.
You're surprised you're suddenly orbiting or being launched into orbit. You're just so surprised.
You're like, wow, I didn't even realize. Am I buckled in?
Do I have my space suit on? Is my oxygen tank full? Am I ready for this? You just get launched. Ready or not?
Then you're in the middle of this launch, trying to figure out how to work all the levers and the buttons so you can fly in the right direction and discover what it is that you need to discover.
It's an interesting concept. We're not always prepared to launch.
When we have a good idea or a new wish enters our hearts because the old wish didn't really work out or it's old news, we outgrew it.
It's not interesting anymore, and you're working on a new plan.
When that's happening, you may accidentally launch.
Accidentally, not accidentally, right? This is a trust fall.
We're launching even without being ready.
When I launched from confident and competent into no man's land, it was a bit of a rough ride, and I had spiritual challenges.
I have had a lot of sifting and sorting, like all the trauma that I thought I had processed was coming back up again and again and again.
I would have a good day, and then I would have a bad day, and then I would have a good day, and then I would have a bad day.
Then, in between each of those, my nervous system had to reset.
I'm telling you, it was exhausting.
It's just exhausting, but sometimes that is the only way to dismantle your fears and doubts because when you're in this exhaustive state of processing emotions and patterns breaking in the brain.
When you're in the middle of doing that, it feels like it's never going to end.
It feels like you can't get it right, broken, or happy, hoping your heart is losing power and you probably don't have enough fuel to get where you're trying to go.
That's what dismantling the old you looks like as you venture out into new and unexplored territory.
Usually, it feels like being in outer space because you don't really have a landing pad yet, and you don't necessarily know where you're going.
But I guarantee that you're going to a good place.
You're going to a better place because whenever we're trying to get somewhere, there is a much deeper life path purpose attached to that desire.
You're trying to feel the radiance of your humanness.
The radiance is your health.
Everything that keeps you healthy.
Your relationships, money, security, uncertainty, the exchange you make for money, the job you have or the career you create, your creative energies doing something fun, and your social skills—that's your radiance.
When trust falls, you have to trust that your radiance will stand up and perform even when you don't know what you're doing.
You may not feel competent.
It may not feel fun, it may not feel confident, and it may feel like your scur, your courage is lacking. Don't worry.
What was once a competent life will offer you opportunities to become incompetent.
Then, suddenly, you work on it a bit; you learn, grow, gather information, and put it to use.
You become competent again.
An example of that is that once you were a baby.
You had to have somebody else change your diaper, tie your shoes, get dressed, and fix your food; you couldn't do it yourself.
You were incompetent.
But as time passed, you figured things out one sunshine day after another, one moon after another.
You just went to bed and woke up, and then you went to bed and woke up again. This was a pattern.
You learned to tie your shoes. You learned to get your socks on by yourself.
You learned to wear your pants, stand up, run, and feed yourself.
Eventually, you learn how to cook, shop, and more efficiently get your food as soon as you're hungry.
You didn't have to wait for Mom to fix it for you. That's evolution.
That's you launching a new rocket of desire.
That's you being in outer space in your new rocket, feeling incompetent until you become competent.
You may not know how to work all the controls as soon as you launch, but you'll figure it out.
You'll push enough buttons and levers to learn what not to do so you can make the right choices and know what to do.
But don't give up in those really tough moments.
You have to trust that it is all working out for you and coming in perfect timing.
You will know what to do as long as you keep asking for guidance.
Ask for directions. Ask, what do I need to do today?
I assume that the good stuff is on its way.
I am looking forward to receiving it.
In this little conversation, when it feels like you have no support, when it feels like the support you had is no longer supportive, when those support systems are falling away, people don't recognize you anymore.
When I was going through my transformation of letting go of codependency, I stepped into a place where I felt like I was on fire all the time. Just fire. It just felt like fun and fire.
I just knew that my confidence was growing again.
But in that space, there had to be some willingness, some openness, and some receiving of the stuff I didn't know how to do. I hope this is making sense.
Just be open to receiving what you don't know how to do—or if you don't know how this will go.
That's what a trust fall is: being open to receiving. That's sort of the idea behind standing there and hoping your friends catch you.
You're hoping they are open to receiving you into their arms, right?
That's you and the universe working together, that you're going to be like, all right, this is weird.
All right, this is unfamiliar. All right, this is different. But I'm going to trust that you'll catch me.
Moving forward when the way is not clear, whoa, that's not for sissies.
When you're like, I have to make a decision, I have to move forward.
When you've decided you're no longer available for the other garbage, you will take that trust fall and run with it.
You will hop in your rocket, fire it up, trust that you'll figure out the gears later, and just take off, just get going—just straight-up ballistic go.
You'll know if you have yucky gut soup; stop and reset your nervous system.
If you have a hell, yes, go. That's your answer.
You don't have to wait for any more light knowledge.
The hell yes is the light knowledge you are waiting for.
When it's a hard yes, do it.
Sometimes, I get an idea when looking for more support, mentoring, and information about what I'm experiencing. I should look it up.
Then, when I looked it up, I was shocked. I'm like, there's the answer. I look it up, and there's the answer.
There's the person I was looking for, the mentoring I was looking for, and the thing I was looking for.
It could be a program, a book, a podcast, or something that will give you exactly what you need.
I think I've said this before in my podcast, but sometimes, I'm looking for an idea or a solution.
I go looking, looking at my intuition. Does that make sense?
I'm not like scrolling. I'm not wasting time. I'm just looking with my intuition. I'm asking you to show me where to get this information.
Then I just get busy. I just go do my thing, and life happens.
The day is moving forward. All of a sudden, there's the answer.
The other day, I was looking for information, and a book called The Mountain Is You appeared.
I was like, oh, that is hilarious! That is hilarious because we are all our own and most enormous mountains.
We are trying to climb up and over the top, and it just had so many answers for me.
I got four chapters in, and then I saw somebody else talking about Marianne Williamson's book Return to Love.
In it, she discusses the vulnerability of relationships and the polarity between wanting to share all of you and the fear of rejection—that you might be considered weird or odd or not a good fit—and abandonment and rejection and all that comes in.
That's the polarity of finding safe attachment relationships.
Anyway, that fit in exactly with what I was looking for and then.
This morning I woke up, and I was like, I need someone to kick me in the butt. I opened up audible, and there's Jensen Charro's; you are a badass.
Sometimes, you only need a piece of this with an answer, just one answer, or a couple of answers, but it's not the complete answer.
There are very few books that I have bought that I've read cover to cover just a few, but the answers are coming.
They will come in rapid-fire when you're open to receiving them while you're doing a trust fall. At the same time, you're in the middle of this weird and unfamiliar space.
This podcast is called Guiding You Home.
I want to pull this all together for you: You are always being guided home, guided to do what you do the way you were meant to do it.
Even if it gets uncomfortable, even if it feels like yucky guts soup, even if it causes anxiety, you are still on track.
Your path, all the ugly stuff, tells you what you're not.
All the disparaging things you can think of about yourself. That is what is not true.
If you could say it out loud and point a finger at your best friend or child and say it, and you feel bad about it, it's not true.
That's how you know. That's the barometer.
I would never say that to somebody else. But if you say it to yourself, it's not true, and you're not trusting your process.
However you feel about yourself, it's not true, especially if it came from somebody else and it makes you feel bad.
But hey! Stop it if you're saying it to yourself, and it didn't come from anybody else.
That's not who you are, meaning it's telling you what you're not.
Then go and discover what you are, who you are, and what you're here to do.
I promise that's a trust fall—to get out there and do what you were born to do.
They say if it scares you, you're doing it right.
But you're on track if it brings you confidence and scares you if there's security and doubt.
That's where you want to be. It's exciting, but there's trepidation.
That's when you know you're going with the flow of who you are.
But all these doubts, disparaging remarks, and decimating your character—no.
That's not who you are, and it's not guiding you.
That negative idea about yourself or a negative idea about you that comes from somebody else is not guiding you home. That's not the trust fall.
The trust fall is to do the opposite of those things: to believe you are lovable, to believe in and self-accept yourself.
Well, sometimes it's to recover your self-worth.
When you recover your self-worth, you're on your way to that trust fall that will test you when you have more worth.
You're going to be like, if I have more work, then maybe I need to be visible.
Perhaps I will be seen. I may have something to share with other people.
Because we're not built to do this world alone, you know that.
I've said it before: we're here to offer our gifts.
Developing those gifts requires the trust fall.
When you become more of the gifts and not the shadows, you just fall in line. That trust fall happens.
Sometimes, it just feels like you're flying, and other times it might feel like you're drowning.
I'm not trying to like sugarcoat this because it can feel really hard.
But I promise when things are getting dismantled and the old stuff is falling away, you have to be willing to say thank you next.
You have to be willing to say, okay, I got it. I understand.
That thing back there is not good for me. It's holding me back. It's making me think poorly of myself. It's making me lose steam.
My momentum has come to us slowly, right?
When that's happening, you are not being guided home to who you are.
You are being guided when you have these inclinations, impressions, impulses, curiosities, ideas of being creative, a manifestor, a healer, and feeling the thing that is calling you forward.
What is that? What is calling you forward?
You might have to dismantle more of the crap to hear the call.
Sometimes the crap is louder than the call. But you will have that fire back in your belly when you do.
You will want to move forward and trust that everything is working out for you and that the timing is perfect.
You're not ever behind. You're not too far ahead. You're not too weird.
You're not too odd. You're not too broken. You're not too any of the negative stuff. You're just all the good stuff.
It's just developing those good things, all the good stuff in you, by hanging out with the right people and listening to the right message and conversation.
Get in a place of rightness for you. That trust fall is going to go a lot easier.
You'll figure out the buttons and levers of this new space, and you can really embrace it and be the pilot you were meant to be.
You were never meant to sit in the back seat crying because no one was sitting in the pilot seat to guide you home. No, no, you were in the pilot seat.
You are working the levers and the buttons.
You're in charge of what you push. You're in charge of the speed and the regulation of your emotions. You're in charge of that.
The rest is up to the universe. God, the divine. They've got you. I promise.
Your angels know you. They are helping you. They're all around you.
You're just the blind friend going; I don't know.
Maybe they're here. I don't know. Maybe they're not, but they are. They're all with you.
It is your job to focus and move forward even into the uncertainty.
Trust that everything is falling into place right now, and you are exactly where you need to be.
Do it; journal it.
Journaling is the fastest way to see what's really in your heart. Journal it, pray about it, meditate on it.
Think about the things you want.
That trust fall is going to be a lot easier because you'll have direction, and the guidance will come, and you will find yourself in a new place called home that feels so freaking good you wish you had done it sooner.
But remember, you're right on time, so that couldn't have happened.
It's only when you want something new that you know it's the right time for you to have it.
All right, I hope you're having a good day. Please take care of yourself, and I'll talk to you later.
Note: You can access the full blog content in audio versions on Spotify and YouTube. Happy listening! 🎧
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