Today, I want to talk about resistance—pushing on the pull door.
I came across this hilarious Far Side comic strip that perfectly illustrates what we often do in life. It features a bright young boy walking up to a school named “The School for the Gifted.” With his backpack strapped tight and his thick glasses perched on his nose, he leans into the door with all his might, straining to push it open. The problem? The sign on the door clearly says, "Pull."
I couldn’t help but laugh because, well, that’s exactly what we do all the time! We say we want something, but then we resist it. We push against our own desires with thoughts like, I’m not smart enough, I don’t have enough money, I don’t have the right connections, or this isn’t meant for me.
The truth? We have limitless potential waiting to unfold. We are supported, we are light, and we already have everything within us to create the life we want. But too often, we’re pushing on the pull door instead of simply reading the sign, grabbing the handle, and walking through.
Let me give you an example. When I was gaining weight while raising five kids, I resisted making real changes. My pants were too tight, I was uncomfortable in my own skin, and I obsessed over the number on the scale. Every morning, I’d step on the scale and let that number determine my worth for the day. If I was up three pounds, I’d shame myself. If I was down three pounds, I’d celebrate—but only temporarily, because eventually, I'd fall back into the cycle of dieting, deprivation, and frustration.
The resistance? I wanted to lose weight, but I wasn’t doing what made me feel good. Dieting is not fun. Cutting calories, exercising out of punishment, and constantly obsessing over food? That’s pushing on the pull door. It’s never going to work long-term.
The breakthrough? I finally stopped caring about the scale. I stopped worrying about other people’s opinions. I stopped expecting to see instant results overnight. Instead, I took a deep breath and decided to just start. I didn’t run a marathon or overhaul my entire diet in one day—I just did one thing differently. I put on my sneakers and attempted a sprint (which, let’s be real, looked more like lumbering over myself). But you know what? I did something.
That day, I stopped resisting. I read the sign, reached for the handle, and walked through the door.
We hear a lot about manifesting these days. And here’s the truth: manifesting is just the result of what you are doing, not what you are trying to do. If you’re sweating it out, pushing with all your might, and still not getting anywhere, you’re resisting. You’re trying instead of doing.
Think about it this way—if you need groceries, do you sit in your living room saying, “I hope I get groceries today” while doing nothing about it? No! You get in your car, drive to the store, pick out what you need, check out, load the bags into your car, drive home, and put the groceries away. You take action. You don’t sit at home wishing for food to magically appear in your fridge!
The same goes for anything you want in life. If you want a healthier body, you eat like a healthy person today. If you want a thriving business, you take steps toward building it today. If you want deeper relationships, you make the effort today.
1.gRecognize Where You’re Resisting
2. Do One Thing Differently
3 . Read the Signs and Adjust Your Approach
4. Step Through the Door
Resistance isn’t there to punish you—it’s there to teach you. When you notice yourself pushing on the pull door, pause. Breathe. Look for the sign. And instead of resisting, do the thing that will allow you to move forward.
What’s one way you’re pushing on the pull door in your life? And what’s one simple step you can take today to stop resisting and start allowing what you want? Drop a comment or send me an email—I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Let’s stop making things harder than they need to be. Let’s stop resisting and start flowing. Let’s step through the door that’s been waiting for us all along.
Note: You can access the full blog content in audio versions on Spotify and YouTube. Happy listening! 🎧
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