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Teresa Ford • May 9, 2024

Blog Post #4

Love Vs. Fear -

Which One Are You Going to Operate?

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Let's talk about love and fear.

Everything we believe, say, and do stems from one of these two places: love or fear. We are either operating out of love or out of fear—there is no in-between.

If you listened to episode three, we discussed resistance. Anytime you operate out of fear, you are resisting what you truly desire. Fear keeps you stuck, holding back, second-guessing, and playing small. But when you operate from a place of love, you’re on an open road, full throttle, with massive momentum moving in the direction of your highest good.

It really is that simple.

Understanding Fear: The Resistance That Holds You Back

Fear shows up in many forms—anger, pride, resentment, guilt, grief, insecurity, anxiety—you name it. Fear exists in almost every area of our lives, creating discomfort and uncertainty. The reason for this? Our brains are hardwired to keep us safe.

Your brain is like ControlZilla, sitting up in a watchtower scanning the horizon for problems, waiting to sound the alarm at the first sign of danger. It’s looking for threats, seeking out everything that could go wrong.

But here’s the thing: If you’re always looking for problems, you will find problems. If you are conditioned to expect hardship, you will experience hardship. Your thoughts create your reality, and when fear runs the show, life feels like an uphill battle.

Choosing Love: The Energy of Expansion

On the flip side, love is expansive. It is the energy of trust, faith, alignment, and momentum. When you operate from love, you step into your highest self—calm, optimistic, enthusiastic, and passionate.

When you move toward something you truly want, even if it scares you a little, that’s not fear—that’s excitement. That’s love guiding you forward. Love says, “I can’t wait! This is going to be amazing!” Fear says, “What if I fail?” See the difference?

The Three Parts of You: Spirit, Mind, and Body

There are three aspects of you that play a role in whether you operate from love or fear:

  1. Your Spirit – Pure positive energy, full of limitless potential.
  2. Your Mind – The problem-solver and protector (also known as ControlZilla).
  3. Your Body – A machine that simply follows the signals it’s given.

Your spirit is always guiding you toward love, but your mind is conditioned to prioritize safety. When your mind perceives danger (real or imagined), it triggers fear-based emotions. This activates stress hormones, creating a physical reaction in your body.

Ever felt a pit in your stomach, tightness in your chest, or a wave of nausea when faced with fear? That’s your body reacting to your thoughts. On the flip side, when you’re operating from love—feeling excited, joyful, and aligned—you experience lightness, energy, and ease.

Love Is Your True Nature

When a baby is born, they don’t ask to be loved. They are love. Their very presence is celebrated, simply because they exist. That truth never changes, yet somewhere along the way, we forget. We start believing love must be earned, proved, or sought after. But love is not something we chase—it is who we are.

Everything that feels good is rooted in love. Everything that feels bad is rooted in fear. If you ever want to know which one is running your life, check in with your emotions.

  • Feeling defensive? Fear.
  • Feeling resentful? Fear.
  • Feeling anxious about what others think? Fear.
  • Feeling aligned, peaceful, and excited? Love.

It really is that simple.

Who Are You Behind Closed Doors?

Want to know if fear is influencing your life? Pay attention to who you are behind closed doors. It’s easy to put on a happy face in public, but what’s happening in the quiet moments?

Are you snapping at your loved ones? Overwhelmed by stress? Running on empty? These are clues that fear is leading the way. But when you operate from love, kindness, and peace—even when no one is watching—you experience genuine joy and fulfillment.

How to Shift from Fear to Love

  1. Check Your Thoughts – Are your thoughts based on trust and expansion, or fear and doubt?
  2. Notice Your Emotions – Fear brings resistance; love brings ease.
  3. Reframe Your Perspective – Instead of asking, “What if it goes wrong?” ask, “What if it goes right?”
  4. Align with Love – Repeat affirmations like: Everything always works out for me. I am safe. I am supported. Love flows to me and through me.
  5. Take Inspired Action – Do the things that bring you joy, passion, and excitement. Move in the direction of love.

Final Thoughts

Fear is not the enemy. It’s simply a signal that something in your belief system is out of alignment. But love is always available to you. When you let love guide your decisions, life flows with ease, doors open, and opportunities appear.

So today, I encourage you to pause and ask yourself: Am I operating from love or fear?

If you choose love, your world will shift in ways you never imagined. Guess what? You are more than enough just as you are. You are loved. You are seen. You are valued. Now go out there and live from that truth!

Let me know how this resonates with you! I’d love to hear your thoughts.

If you need support in shifting from fear to love, reach out—I’m here to help!

💌 Email: 📢 Share this episode with someone who needs to hear it!

Remember: Everything always works out for you. Trust the process. Live in love. And watch your world transform.

Note: You can access the full blog content in audio versions on  Spotify and  YouTube. Happy listening! 🎧 




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