Let’s talk about emotions today! I want to dive deep into what your emotions are trying to tell you—because trust me, they are always communicating something important. If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed, stuck in negativity, or trapped in an emotional cycle that feels impossible to break, this is for you.
This topic is abstract, so you might need to re-read this a few times to let it really sink in. But I promise, once you grasp it, you’ll have a powerful tool to transform your emotional well-being.
Every thought you have provokes an emotion. Your brain is incredibly powerful, and it is constantly shaping how you feel. If you think, “Haunted houses are scary,” you instantly feel a jolt of fear in your gut. But if you see a puppy and think, “That is the sweetest thing ever,” your body relaxes into a state of love and warmth.
Now, let’s flip that concept. If you tell yourself, “I’m not good enough,” or “I don’t belong,” your body reacts the same way—with stress, tightness, or even a sinking feeling in your stomach. If you’ve ever felt your heart drop after realizing you weren’t invited to an event, you know what I mean.
This is why it’s so important to monitor your thoughts. If left unchecked, your brain can run wild—what I call ControlZilla—spitting fire, spreading chaos, and reinforcing false beliefs. But here’s the truth: your emotions are simply indicators of whether your thoughts align with love and light—or if they’re dragging you into fear and negativity.
In my last post, we talked about the difference between operating from love versus fear. Your emotions are a direct reflection of how close—or how far—you are from your true, loving self.
If you feel calm, peaceful, and at ease, you are aligned with the truth of who you are: pure love and light. But when you experience anxiety, anger, frustration, or resentment, it means your thoughts are pulling you away from that truth.
Think of it this way: Your negative emotions are simply indicators that your current thoughts do not align with the love, peace, and worthiness that you inherently are.
I call this collection of negative emotions Yucky Gut Soup. When you have more than three negative emotions swirling inside you at once—stress, anxiety, self-doubt, guilt, shame—it becomes an overwhelming emotional stew. And just like spoiled soup, it leaves you feeling sick, exhausted, and out of balance.
Physical symptoms like headaches, body aches, heart palpitations, digestive issues, or that awful pit in your stomach? Yep, that’s Yucky Gut Soup showing up in your body. It’s your inner self waving a red flag, saying, “Hey, you’re believing something that isn’t true!”
Here’s something to let sink in: Truth always feels good.
When you tell yourself the truth—like “I am loved,” “I am worthy,” “I am enough”—you feel light, energized, and centered.
But when you buy into false beliefs—like “I’m forgotten,” “I’m not good enough,” “No one cares”—you feel heavy, drained, and out of alignment.
If you’re feeling bad, it’s because your thoughts are out of sync with your higher self. And the best part? You have the power to change that by shifting the meaning you assign to your thoughts.
Let’s say you feel unsupported. If you believe, “No one has my back,” your emotions spiral into suspicion, doubt, and fear. But what if you shift that meaning? What if you tell yourself, “I am fully supported by the universe. Everything is always working out for me. I am capable of figuring things out.”
See how that feels different? Instead of feeling disempowered, you reclaim your confidence. It’s not about ignoring reality; it’s about choosing an empowering interpretation that aligns with love and truth.
You won’t jump from despair to joy in one thought. That’s unrealistic. But you can reach for a slightly better-feeling thought.
For example:
Emotional healing is about gradual shifts toward thoughts that feel lighter, freer, and more empowering.
Your body is constantly responding to the meaning you assign to your experiences. If you feel yucky gut soup bubbling up, stop and ask yourself:
For example, my friend once told me, “I feel lonely because I don’t have a companion.” I asked her, “Do you actually feel lonely, or do you enjoy your own company?” She paused and admitted, “Actually, I love being with myself.” By changing “I’m lonely” to “I enjoy my own company,” she instantly felt relief.
That’s the power of shifting meaning!
Negative emotions don’t define you. They’re simply indicators of whether your thoughts align with your highest self. If you’re feeling off, it’s a sign that your thoughts need adjusting.
Instead of staying stuck in Yucky Gut Soup, practice shifting the meaning behind your experiences. Choose thoughts that empower you, lift you up, and bring you closer to love and light.
You are love. You are light. And you are worthy of feeling good.
So, next time you catch yourself in a downward emotional spiral, ask: “What story am I telling myself? And how can I rewrite it to align with the truth of who I am?”
Your thoughts create your reality—so let’s make sure they are building a life that feels amazing.
If this resonated with you, check out my podcast, Guiding You Home, where we dive even deeper into healing, transformation, and aligning with your true self. You will amaze yourself!
Note: You can access the full blog content in audio versions on Spotify and YouTube. Happy listening! 🎧
emotional healing, how to change negative thoughts, how emotions affect the body, mindset shift, self-worth, overcoming anxiety, personal transformation, nervous system regulation, law of attraction, inner healing, overcoming
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